I notice that I seem to do most of my actual recording and mixing in the late afternoon and evening. Writing and practice tends to be during the day. Sometimes I wake up with an idea which I always seem to forget though by the time I have had breakfast. That seems to be my particular pattern/routine though it is not a schedule it seems to have naturally become one in terms of flow? The earliest time I have ever recorded in “proper”studios has around 10.30 am, but nothing useful has occurred until about an hour later on average. I do often think about what I should be doing as opposed to what I am actually doing and surprisingly there’s not much in it. I mostly get to do what I want when I want to which is pretty neat really. So my plan such as it is is just to carry on regardless whilst it’s all still fun.
Today I went for a ride in the (Citroen) Picasso for an hour. We both survived and the engine kept going. So looking like light duty’s from now till next week and if thats OK back to normal service (fates permitting and particularly at this time: If we are spared). Lovely sunny day, cold but very pleasant. At such troubled times as these it feels almost like the Cuban missile crisis again. Or maybe it’s even worse having just read the news? Will Putin’s rage send us all to an early grave. Mad Vlad or just bad Vlad? Tomorrow is another country to paraphrase. Possibly…
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