Gor blimey gov, its a fair cop, strike a light. Things ain’t what they used to be thats true enough. The Elephant Shelf CD continues to be played on some specialist stations in the EU and also on local radio in the UK too. 20 or so at the moment.
Having been involved in the production of the said item one is fairly pleased. Where this will all lead ultimately is up for debate really I suppose. Its rumored that there will be some festivals to be played in 2010 and we can but hope that it works out.
The long awaited solo CD Glass Cage solo CD is shelved for the moment due my just having to spend money on car repairs so thats that for the foreseeable future. I seem to be as mad as ever, and I badly need a job of some sort sooner or later. I have no idea what I am going to be doing in 2010, buts its getting to be quite a major concern.basically my money will run out around my 53 birthday. Eek.
I do feel OK apart from the usual feeling of impending doom which is quite rational of course considering the situation. I spent today between the Piano and the PC as usual. I am working on a basic but easy to use e commerce product, a sort of shop in a box with a reasonable cost including hosting that I may be able to market to boost my meager existence with. Its almost ready to roll out and it needs the right price tag. Too cheap just won’t do it I am afraid and the wrong price means no clients at all.
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