All posts by diana Stone

About diana Stone

Diana Stone is a performing composer and musician playing Piano Violin & Guitar. She currently plays with Orchard and The Sonic Boomers. Previously with Rock/Roots band Elephant Shelf and also the Delta Ladies who mixed roots acoustic music and electronica until the death of Vicky Martin who formed the band which was active for 17 years. Diana composes in a variety of styles from pop to rock to Jazz and and classical music. Diana is also expert in multi-media recording and music production.

World of confusion

So what’s occurring then? Search me gov I haven’t got a clue? I had a good gig with Sonic Boomers and that really lifted my spirits. Like the old days for a moment or two 🙂
At times like this is very important not to take yourself too seriously.My heads often buzzing with stuff. What it means is that I often can’t switch off and relax. Sometimes there is just too much mental racket going on. Bad back as soon as I got out of bed so I attacked it vigorously with the magnesium ointment and its worked? Extraordinary, perhaps magic pixies were invoked somehow as it worked very quickly. The last few months particularly I seem to preoccupied with stuff. There is nothing wrong with having a plan but one can get to the stage where one is just trying to obsessively control everything. My egos a bit fractured in a sense and often I am trying to prove something to people that actually don’t care anyway. I think that’s a hangover from childhood. Funny old day. Started feeling quite upbeat but now I am falling towards gloomy again. Strange old world. I have a quiet week but with 2 gigs at the end of it which is perfect really.

I got a new battery for my old Citroen. The AA guy said the car started well, just did a 5 mile test drive and its running smoother on idle as well. It might that the fault was being caused by voltage drops, but I will drive it about a bit before trusting it too much. Maybe it will be OK.

I was a political moron for about 35 years of my life. I am fortunate to have been gifted a relatively quick and agile mind but I do tend to think in black and white terms a bit at times. My strength is also my weakness. Old Musky boy sees things as very simple, I am clever I should be in charge. Do what I say and it will be good for you because I have lots of brains, I have the best brains. Just ask the Donald 😉

Somedays its weird and I feel like I am in a film with a very unconvincing script. The one thing that no longer scares me is looking foolish. I am being to feel more and more like the court jester and maybe I will embrace that role a little more in life. Do no harm and maybe make people laugh a little too. That may all sound a bit gnomic but it means something to me.
I am getting an increase in listeners on my music streaming on some songs. Its as if suddenly I have become “visible” over the static. I don’t know yet if it’s just a blip though. It may just be a weird anomaly or that I am for some brief moment reflecting things people are feeling. Perhaps it’s like a stopped clock being right twice a day…. More young listeners now too.

We are heading towards either a great enlightenment or a great disaster and disappointment.
I wonder which one?