All posts by diana Stone

About diana Stone

Diana Stone is a performing composer and musician playing Piano Violin & Guitar. She currently plays with Orchard and The Sonic Boomers. Previously with Rock/Roots band Elephant Shelf and also the Delta Ladies who mixed roots acoustic music and electronica until the death of Vicky Martin who formed the band which was active for 17 years. Diana composes in a variety of styles from pop to rock to Jazz and and classical music. Diana is also expert in multi-media recording and music production.

Going forward because we cant find reverse

Here is a new song.

Better World If Only

I am having one of those I should be happy but I am not days. I think I need a mental refresh of sorts as I feel things have got a bit stale. It happens to us all of course. Maybe its just one bad day. Things are mostly OK. Mostly things are positive. Even my old car is running again! Lots of good things.Its just whatever is happening in my head at the moment. It happens. I have been using the mood tracking app and patterns are appearing as I expected inevitably.
I have done fairly well. I have 2 bands and a trio and occasional others to play live music with. My own original stuff is doing quite well and is heard a lot more now than it ever was. I have a comfortable home in a fairly nice place with open countryside near by. I won’t starve. A lot is very good. I do miss old friends of course…

@dianastonemusic #music #dianasmusic #lovemymusic #dianastonesglasscage #dianastone #vocal ♬ original sound – Diana Stone

Hopefully I will see you some of you on the flip side 😉

Things wear out all the time

Yep, you fix something and something else breaks. The cycle of things I guess. My partners away with at sister-in-laws till tomorrow. It is a a bit quiet here but that’s OK. With my particular mental issues what I don’t always get is calm, when I am at home so paradoxically whilst I don’t want to be on my own I do like a bit peace and quiet. Strange beings are we not? I just got an extra beer festival gig with Martin Day in April. That should be fun. He is a very easy going bloke and good company. That will help keep me out of mischief. I could get in to a lot of mischief if I was not so shy. Just as well really 😉

A new song:

I Can’t Read You Mind

I am loling about in my nightie at present. I took the car out for a 35 minute drive and its still OK this morning and I have been working on some music (recording for a couple of hours) . It is a bit quiet here but that’s OK. With my particular mental issues what I don’t always get is calm, when I am at home so paradoxically whilst I don’t want to be on my own I do like a bit peace and quiet. Strange beings are we not? This week I have had a lot of joint and back pain to contend with. It’s very tiring and it makes me irritable. Ho humness abounds. The world gets stranger by the day too. I Just took a look at the bruise on my bum from falling off the ladder a week or so back. Its a big old thing, (the bruise). Might explain some of the extra aches and pains at present…

Hints Of Spring

Yes there are a few, it’s sunny and its bright ☀ Daffodils in abundance in many places and buds just showing on the trees too. Plus some Cherry blossoms I think. Today is “Muscles Aching Day” it seems. 5 days of very heavily Violin focused gigs (St Patrick’s day events) has taken a toil. Interesting to see how long it will take to wear off. I think I can improve my stamina a bit which would help generally. I now have a bruise thats come out on my leg from my fall last week as well. Ho Hum. In the good news department I did manage to fix a bit of damaged kit, a distribution amplifier we use for monitoring. That was a result 🙂 Fortunately I had just the right tool required. An old friend that is also a musician made contact after about 20 years or so which was a nice surprise too. They had listened to some of my music and liked it which was gratifying.

We are still surrounded by portents of doom though on every side it seems. USA/Russia developments over Ukraine do not seem encouraging at and there is yet more bombing in Gaza. Its difficult to have much in the way of hope at present to be honest.

My last song that I let loose upon the unsuspecting world has been quite well received which is great. If you haven’t checked my stuff out yet here are a few recent songs and music 🎶: