Here is a new song.
Better World If Only
I am having one of those I should be happy but I am not days. I think I need a mental refresh of sorts as I feel things have got a bit stale. It happens to us all of course. Maybe its just one bad day. Things are mostly OK. Mostly things are positive. Even my old car is running again! Lots of good things.Its just whatever is happening in my head at the moment. It happens. I have been using the mood tracking app and patterns are appearing as I expected inevitably.
I have done fairly well. I have 2 bands and a trio and occasional others to play live music with. My own original stuff is doing quite well and is heard a lot more now than it ever was. I have a comfortable home in a fairly nice place with open countryside near by. I won’t starve. A lot is very good. I do miss old friends of course…
@dianastonemusic #music #dianasmusic #lovemymusic #dianastonesglasscage #dianastone #vocal ♬ original sound – Diana Stone
Hopefully I will see you some of you on the flip side 😉
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