Yep, you fix something and something else breaks. The cycle of things I guess. My partners away with at sister-in-laws till tomorrow. It is a a bit quiet here but that’s OK. With my particular mental issues what I don’t always get is calm, when I am at home so paradoxically whilst I don’t want to be on my own I do like a bit peace and quiet. Strange beings are we not? I just got an extra beer festival gig with Martin Day in April. That should be fun. He is a very easy going bloke and good company. That will help keep me out of mischief. I could get in to a lot of mischief if I was not so shy. Just as well really 😉
A new song:
I Can’t Read You Mind
I am loling about in my nightie at present. I took the car out for a 35 minute drive and its still OK this morning and I have been working on some music (recording for a couple of hours) . It is a bit quiet here but that’s OK. With my particular mental issues what I don’t always get is calm, when I am at home so paradoxically whilst I don’t want to be on my own I do like a bit peace and quiet. Strange beings are we not? This week I have had a lot of joint and back pain to contend with. It’s very tiring and it makes me irritable. Ho humness abounds. The world gets stranger by the day too. I Just took a look at the bruise on my bum from falling off the ladder a week or so back. Its a big old thing, (the bruise). Might explain some of the extra aches and pains at present…