February persists as it must. And we try and carry on as we have always done. Seems harder at the moment though in many ways. Latterly everything feels a bit scary again. Maybe I am just picking up on the vibes around me? Apparently the entertainment at the Super Bowl was some sort of symbolic protest, but I did watch it on YouTube and I haven’t got a fucking clue what it was all supposed to mean but I don’t think the message was for me. I am more your Isadora Duncan interpretive dancing type. Just attached solar trickle charger to the car. It seems to be working OK so it should save the battery from premature demise. Its merilly working even though its dull and gray. I used to have one a few years back. Charges at about half the rate of a conventional plug in battery charger so about 5 days to full charge we hope.
I used to think the world had become a worse place, but really it hasn’t. We just know much more about the bad stuff now. Back in the day it was just film of Vietnam on the box, which was bad but soon went away to followed by Top of the Pops and Z Cars if you are from the UK and of a certain age
Though I like pubs and live music I don’t really want to be out alone (I would be safe enough but a bit lonely) and I always get chatted up by geriatrics and I think you can guess why that’s a problem. And finally my mind just obsessively goes riffing on wars and general doom destruction and personal mortality. So beavering away is a distraction. My body gets tired but my mind doesn’t and I guess it’s the same for you too. I could write a tune a day, construct a melody, harmonize it and even put it on manuscript. Often I do write a basic version out when working on recordings. I might not be Mozart but I can write tunes. Some people like the more complex stuff a lot. But what can’t do is just chill these days. I ain’t no genius, it’s just my brain’s busy.
Today’s been totally unproductive.
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