Hello 2025, Come in and take a look around

A slightly shaky start to the year for me to be honest. A bit of anxiety triggered by catastrophizing and over thinking a few recent events I suspect. Life without meds mostly works except when it doesn’t. Perhaps I am just too internalised now. I do feel a little bit absent at the moment. I don’t have enough of the outside world to rub up against on a regular basis now. My music rehearsal work out was not much impinged on by aches and pains which was a relief. The more active I am the less severe or disabling the pains are but most of my activities’ are not that physical so a period like Christmas with a disrupted routine dose have an effect.One of our trio gigs got cancelled in January. No entertainment budget for that month. Bum….. Rude words and stuff. But they may rebook in February. I do have to reboot basically. Ironically due to our plumbing issues and stuff we have had a string of random folks in the flat for the last week or so. I shall have to resume my search for a local guitar player again so I can get out a bit more with the violin/fiddle think. It can’t be impossible. The old guys are a bit risky though as they just think I am a friendly old girl with a deep voice. I did think I could do lounge piano type stuff, but I can’t take a proper digital piano out now. Too heavy to lift and it wont fit in the car. Its funny but when I do feel a bit low, I often think through what I could try doing that I am not already. The reality is not there is not much that I haven’t already tried it seems.

Not much else to say today really.