Well it’s been both very productive and also slightly frustrating in equal measure. My original music that I have been writing and recording has fared quite well this year. So on one level a productive and creative time for which I am very grateful. My health has been as you would expect mostly though I did manage to get Covid again. I have also had a few live gigs with the Sonic Boomers and Orchard, and John Bickleys Invisible Folk Club Band. So I have not done too badly considering. I have even made a few dollars more. Go me 🙂
At this time of year it’s not always easy for a lot of folks. Sometimes we crave company but its not quite the sort we were hoping for when we are expectantly waiting for Santa to come down our chimney with his magic sack full of joy?

My Christmas message to you all is ….
Play more of
Diana Stones Music or I will send the Household Cavalry round
Latest tunes on the links here.