It’s just a blues, abet a slightly funky one. Just for a change. A tribute to our dear old feudal overlords…
Monthly Archives: November 2024

Nothing Is Real, Soggy Old Fields Forever
Floods and things abounding at present. Its weird out there. I have recorded 8 songs and instrumental music this month. I do feel a bit over stimulated to be honest.
Funny old day all round. I did another test run in my car for 25 minutes. All systems nominal as they say. Checked the fault codes (all clear) when I got back. Due to the weather I haven’t entirely got it back into use. So next week hopefully I will do useful things like lugging stuff to the re-cycling center etcetera where if it does through a wobbly it can be managed. I am in the AA. Just don’t want to risk on a paid gig outing. Also tested a bit of recording gear that I have not used for 2 years, That is OK too. Part of the Vicky inheritance. Vicky brought a 24 track recorder about 3 weeks before exiting this mortal realm. I used it to record an album for Jons band and also for a demo for Orchard when we were starting out. Since then its been sitting on the shelf getting dusty. It works OK though so I will try and use it a bit again. I went to pick up some makeup (the work of the devil I know) from the amazon locker at Morrisons and I realised that I still move very quickly compared to most people of my age. I zoomed across the car park and back and it struck me. Why am I hurrying? I am not on a schedule nor am I carrying orders up the line from the general staff. I am either half a sleep or bounding off like an uncoiled spring at times… Mad I tell ya…

Here is an oldie for you from 2020, “Play Time’s Over”

Your Mind Opened Up My Doors
Sometimes you have a revelation and you can’t keep it to yourself so you end up singing about about it almost ecstatically. So I did. Go me. A very recent recording inspired by those moments of special sharing twined with enlightenment.
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