Short days will soon be upon us again. This week I have had disturbed sleep and car problems that have thrown me a little. Hopefully the car can be fixed (a plan is in motion), but the sleep disruption is a real nuisance. I had to miss a band rehearsal today due to my recalcitrant automobile, but perhaps it just needs a rest or is sulking as it has not had a holiday for years. I can’t really blame it to be fair. This week I have been playing a little bit of acoustic guitar for a potential idea that’s brewing up. I feel a little inertia creeping up though. Winter approaching?
Yes, that’s part of it I guess. At this time of year some believe the veil between worlds is thin or lifted and it always feels a little different for a while though I have no particular beliefs. Our bodys do sense the seasons change, so surely our minds must follow? Some days I feel more linked to the planet than others and at this time of year I often feel a little closer for a while.

Sometimes I wonder if I have made the right choices in putting so much effort in to music. I get personal satisfaction from it but maybe my life might have been easier if I have stayed in my lane. Much of what I have achieved is perhaps relatively unsung, but what else would I be doing.