Is thinking overrated? Possibly. It’s been a funny week. My car got through the MOT with a spot of wielding this time. Not cheap but much cheaper than replacing it. Other stuff is ticking along though I have not felt 100%. It’s not covid as I checked that. Keeping up with exercises has slipped a bit too. I really need to get back on the exercise bike more again starting now and in fact today I have. The band is getting the odd gig in here and there which is nice. We do need more photos and video to help promote it it though.
I have switched to radio news rather than television with its succession of grim war footage as that’s a bit draining. At least I can know whats going on without having to see too much of it that way.
Last week included making soup, Butternut squash and garlic and onions and potato and things in the first outing for the recently acquired slow cooker and a visit from my sister plus a band rehearsal which went well.
This is my most recent musical offering:
Once upon a time in London on a boat in September 2004 (47 years old ) 🙂 It was cold. And there was a horrible disco.

I am recording a rather mournful sounding violin instrumental, not too sure about it to be honest. Spent a lot of time recording the violin part, so I will put it on hold for a while before mixing. I might change some of the arrangement behind it. I might just bin it. Who knows?
As it turned out I did finish it after all and will point it at the unsuspecting world anyway. They have only themselves to blame.
At present we are having huge amounts of rain and storms which are likely to last for a day or so more and are causing disruption. The rain is quite loud too. A lot of water is falling but we have some seriously heavyweight drainage here, due to being on a flood plain with a water meadow as well as the Great Ouse surrounding us on 3 sides.
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