Today It’s not raining

Hurrah. That is all. A conversation about current popular music took off on Facebook about it’s merits or lack of same.

Much of the music I listen too and still love is 50 years or more old. (prog, jazz classical and folk in my case). A friend of mine who is ten years older than me raved about a youngish performer who is a big star. So I tried listening to a few songs and it did nothing for me at all. the lyrics were Ok but anything approaching a memorable melody was not there in most of the songs. A lot of the old recordings I love to hear are not technically anywhere near the “digital perfection” possible now too. Is it just part nostalgia? Perhaps. There are good young new bands creating in all sorts of genres out there, but they don’t seem to get in to the public gase. There were always gatekeepers A&R people and so forth. Now almost everybody can for good or ill self publish their work and make it available, but whilst that is very democratic I do wonder how many works of genius are out there that most of us will never get to hear. So those of you that can get out and support your local bands, particularly if you find you really like and buy the merch if they have it. At the end of the day though you can’t make people like stuff if its not to their taste though you can try and expose them to stuff that tickles your fancy.

Some music from me 🎶

But wait there’s more. I am still finding it monumentally difficult to get on with anything, it’s a real uphill struggle at present. I do have a bit of a routine that I try to follow though. But no longer having a regular calendar of live performances and the social interactions connected with it has really knocked the wind out of my sails. In between writing this I am working on a musical idea, not sure where its going yet though. It might be something whimsical if it grows.
It’s a Saturday night in which to be honest I hate. Its 5 years since regular gigging finished for me but I still can’t adjust to it. I am in a band which is great but it’s just not enough for me. Of course I cant tell how others perceive me in terms of body language. I tend to be quite twitchy at times. In pubs with friends I often stand or lean on the bar as I just find it difficult to sit still. Often to do with not being able to sit for extended periods of time due to arthritis playing up. In general if I am meeting people I tend to avoid anything early in the day due to a combination of things as I am not good in the morning and worse if I am having a mildly depressive phase. Often it has been the case that I might go to meet say a potential new musical collaborator there seems to be a communication breakdown.

Real life example:

I went to meet someone that was looking to perform original songs as they wrote and so did I and we thought we had sufficient musical common ground for it to work. However it turned out that they wanted a band (not to start a duo) and started recruiting for one and suddenly it was going to be a pub covers act. So that went nowhere.

I have a reasonable sense of humour steeped in irony but people don’t always realise when I am joking or when I am being serious, maybe it is my fault in seemingly lacking gravitas or being seen as credible?

Talking of tickling your fancy, how are you doing? I think the rains made my brain soggy 🙂 Just reading a translation of some ancient mesopotamian poetry on facebook, Oh my… A young women minded to getting a good seeing too is the subject matter. Very florid language is used, but enough of such things.