A Pause For Thought

I started recording a thing with 12 string not sure what it will turn into yet though. sometimes interesting things are chanced upon that way. The electric 12 string makes a good noise used sparingly when appropriate. Its in standard tuning this time though. I am just pausing from that adventure at present. I have had a slightly rough week and been a bit below par. No particular reason that’s detectable though. The world externally is getting pretty crazy now and I have been trying to avoid the news as much as possible. Its grimm out there. So I shall ignore the larger world and concentrate more on life in the small for the present.

It’s beginning to feel rather autumnal around here now, though it’s likely to be a warmish September. As the leaves start to turn inevitably if you are anything like me thoughts of one’s own mortality start to creep into the mind. My body is quite creaky these days too. My backs been bad for years too.

A song with the aforementioned 12 string.

Everytime I read the news/watch I find more to make me angry in it. Everything that’s was gained in the last 50 years or so is slowly being thrown away by the last government and the new one doesn’t seem to be going anywhere worthwhile. And they are still fucking it up for anyone thats not wealthy. But why should they care, egomaniac twats most of them it seems.
Trotting out the same bollocks. Might as well turn to drink then as I don’t get on with drugs. Seriously what’s the point?

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. -Eleanor Roosevelt