Moving on up and Intrusive Thoughts

Got to on keep trying. Apparently. Even when you are running out of steam. And I am a wee bit I must confess. Today I assembled an exercise bike and it was quite a workout to be honest. Outdoor exercises at this season plays havoc with my arthritis, so it a useful winter compromise. Keeping fit when you don’t regularly gig is I find a problem. So I am slowly trying to build up a little bit of stamina again if I can. Also activity can help alleviate or mitigate depression too which is also a very important for me as well. So in-between practicing and recording and mixing there is now exercise to work in as well. It’s worth a try at least.

The worlds in a pretty bad state now and there’s little that an individual can do really. Public out cry about injustice may well make us feel we are doing something, but it seems that we have less and less power to achieve any sort of leverage and change the mindset of those that rule over us. Power is a drug and those that don’t have it are doomed to waste away. There is no sense left in the whole wide world now.

Here’s a world/jazz genre instrumental. It’s called “Intrusive thoughts”

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