Gosh a mighty, forsooth tis Christmas time again. Cease-fire per chance. That would be nice don’t yah think. Will the bombs be falling on Christmas day this year? Looks like it. Somebody prove me wrong. Please. At the time of writing they are. I am trying to not think about it, but that is really hard. I watched the Christmas Dr Who, fun but very silly as you might imagine. Also likely to upset the the GB News fans of the J the Mog and assorted gammons. It will be fun to see the reviews, though most so far have been quite positive. I opened a couple of low key Christmas presents. Its hard going though with no social stuff for a while.
Christmas is always hard work for me. But it doesn’t last too long really. I am starting to get that loose wire in the junction box feeling as if something is shorting out, sparking, leaking to earth or needs tightening up or possible re-soldering. I am chasing my tail a bit at the moment to be honest. I have just been to put the rubbish out and its very quiet here. “Still” as they used to say. I have had a few Christmas messages on various WhatsApp groups and the usual Facebook stuff. On days like this it is easy though to feel like an outsider I find. Necks aching now too. I have fallen behind with my exercise routine too which is very important for me to keep mobile and keep certain pains at bay. Having taken a short stroll, gosh it is warm for December, but very, very quiet. Also I seem to be suffering from slight gastric over indulgence too as well, and my stomach has made conversational sounds. Though I really am not the type for gluttony in the main.