I am just a little crazy, but then so it seems is the entire world from what I see every day. It nots going to get any better is it? Nope. So I stagger on as best I can. A friend asked idly about my drinking habits. I never really got drunk. Well Ok occasionally but it was a very rare event. I did drink a bit more in my twenties, work colleagues in pubs and then much later with work mates in the Civil service. But not to any great degree. Then with the band a Real Ale or Two on gigs, but that was about it. I don’t smoke apart from a brief flirtation during the obligatory teenage rebellion phase. I did smoke a bit of dope, occasionally when I was 16 or 27. I had one bad experience with LSD. However it was not consensual as my drink was spiked.
I fancy a new keyboard for gigs at some point but really I don’t need one. A bit like my recording gear. Its still good enough with regard to tech specs to create decent results. Since everything went digital its now down to an individuals creativity and skill pretty much rather than having the edge due to better kit. I can still produce stuff that is sonically as good as anything current. Perhaps its akin to have a really good set of quality pigments to paint with and having the skill to use them well enough? I was surprised to find that I have actually done 36 live appearances this year. I though I might at best have done about 8. A bit different to 130 to 150 a year which I used to do. Covid was one of the things that put paid to gigs for me but only one.
But we keep on because “What else is there”.
A track from last year that could do with another airing I feel.
There are plenty of ongoing rehearsals for live events and I even have one gig in the book for 2024. So I am not completely past it yet, though I do feel rather like I might be on some occasions. I am tired but also feeling simultaneously like the walls are closing in. That’s the winter effect though.
I watch the news from Gaza and its not any better. It is good that some hostages have been released but the fact that Israel does not seem to be willing to stop the bombing except in the short term is distressing and ultimately will do no good for anyone in the region in the long or short term.
I am watching a bit of vintage Dr Who that is now on BBC player and has been colourised. I almost remember it the first time round but its was in fabulous monochrome then.