When you think back to the good times when you were bad, and very, very naughty indeed.
Yep. If you were very naughty but loving, is it still naughty though nice? Just asking for a friend. I am not looking for advice. To love well but perhaps not always wisely, there’s the thing. Now here is a fine bunch of ne’re do wells indeed. The latest incarnation of Jon Bickleys “Invisible Folk Club” band. And a fine sounding ensemble they are indeed. To know more about Jon Bickley here clickly Also there is a gig at Watford Folk Club on November the 3rd.

I had a jolly good gig with the Sonic Boomers and so here are a couple of pics:
Our first gig with the full line up of the new band Sonic Boomers and not a bad crowd.
A great night at the Bunyan Baptist Church in Stevenage and £542 was raised for charity too! Some very nice feedback on the performance from the punters too.

So apart from that its business as usual as the season changes and the nights draw in.
I am working on a moody track at present and will be putting a vocal on it shortly, Its very much a vibe for this time of year reflecting on time passing and all that. Samhain (pronounced SOW-en). It was the most important night of the year for the Celts. It was their New Year’s Eve, a time when the veil between the worlds grew thin and spirits could pass over and walked among us. The ancient Celts also lit huge bonfires on Samhain to drive away the dark and evil spirits, and they paraded their cattle and other livestock between bonfires to purify them.
I miss you most upon each Samhain
When the boundary turns to sheer
I wait until the veil is parted
At the ending of the year.
Sweet spirit, as you walk among us
At the tolling of this eve
I see your face beyond the sunset
And hear your voice upon the breeze.
In the glowing of the candle,
From the shadow on the wall
I watch for you in every movement
And hear your footsteps in the hall.
Can you sit and spend the evening
As the portal opens wide?
Ancestral dead, I bid you welcome,
Most recent dead, I pray, abide.
When you come I sense your presence
I put my hand out in the air
A moment, then, we stand united
Palm to palm while waiting there.
I miss you most upon each Samhain
When the boundary turns to sheer
We share these hours until the dawning
Then bid farewell until next year.
David O. Norris
A nice poem but I can’t find any details of the author to link to.