Damp Expectations

A rather soggy and almost freezing conclusion to the month. I unexpectedly found myself doing a solo gig in Enfield, and miraculously, it turned out better than I had ever imagined. Although, I must confess, I had a rather sleepless night leading up to it. It’s funny how I discovered that I actually had more than enough material for the gig. It got me thinking that maybe I should consider being a bit more organized if I plan to do this kind of thing in the future. Well, the sheer excitement from yesterday’s adventure has faded away, and now my lower back is throwing a tantrum because I’ve spent far too much time glued to the computer. Yesterday was an absolute marathon, but oddly satisfying. Admittedly, I could have given a technically superior performance, but hey, it went down okay. Perhaps going solo is something I should seriously ponder for the long run. I did quite a bit of singing, and I must say, my voice held up okay. Of course, having decent microphones and gear certainly makes a world of difference. Keep in mind that performing puts you in full-on aerobic mode: After playing for about 2 hours, my pulse was around 110-ish. The only downside was being rudely awakened by the noisy commercial waste truck at 4:00 am, but luckily I managed to drift back into a blissful sleep. Lessons learned: If you happen to live above a parade of shops, either become an early bird or a true night owl. Later, I caught up with some old pals and had a good old chinwag before finally heading home. A rather damp and almost chilly ending to the month. I did an unplanned solo gig in Enfield which went rather better than I had hoped thank goodness. I did have rather sleepless night before it though. I did as it turns out have more than enough material for the gig but it leads me to think about getting rather more organised if I do this kind of thing in future. Well the endorphins from yesterdays outing have worn off and my lower back is now complaining as I have been on the compute a lot. Yesterday was exhausting but quite satisfying. I could have put on a better performance technically but it went over OK. Maybe solo is a thing I should seriously think about now? As a longer term prospect.

As ever my mood continues to confound me, as it follows the up and down switchback trajectory that is very hard for others to deal with or accommodate. At the time of writing this I feet rather weepy for no discernible reason.

I am happy singing on my recordings, but live not quite so much to be honest. I am not sure that there is so much of a market fronting an act for someone that looks like one third Tina Turner Drag Tribute/ one third Miriam Margolyes and sounds like a south london gangster, though I could be wrong of course?

I think that what I lack really is the massive ego and self confidence that many people I knew have had. I am not a born leader.

Today added bonus has been a gas supplied fault so no hot water for day or so its seems.
Grumpiness abounds. And it’s raining again.

Here’s a tune from last year.

Diplomacy is the art of saying ‘Nice doggie’ until you can find a rock.
Will Rogers