So its business as usual here. Writing music or attempting to and practicing and eating and sleeping. That seems to fill the days up pretty much. I recently also submitted to get my amazon artist profile for promotion and stuff. Not sure how long that will take though? Wait and see I suppose. As I write it’s likely to thunder or at least threatening so to do. But a its a bit brooding now. we are having a lot of fairly hot weather again, the kind that slows you down to a crawl.
Here’s is a new one for you all.
What Else Is There.
My latest opus.
I have some rehearsals and a few gigs coming up which will keep me occupied for a while (fingers crossed). Apart from that its mostly business as usual in the main. That’s Ok as I am not a big fan of surprises 🙂 The world continues to turn, at least at the time of writing. A few things do cause me concern but most of them are entirely outside any possible filmiest sphere of influence. So I am left to grumble and mumble into my tea.
There is a small plot between our property and the next one which seems not to belong to anyone, and each year it makes vain attempts to burst forth into bloom but it is far too dry and has not any proper soil. It’s a little dessert, and also rather like a bald head with just a few random tuff’s of hair. In the 5 years we have been here its just never quite made the grade. It pluckily trys though. Is there a point where perseverance is pointless? I believe that there is, though I am not sure the little barren patch has reached it. Hope springs infernal as they say.
I have uploaded a couple of things recently to BBC introducing. Well they have been listened too, but I doubt if it will get any further than that. But I might as well keep trying as not. I don’t think I stand much of a chance and my stuff is different from a lot of what I am hearing. Some folks seem to like it, but I fear it’s not going to get past the local radio gatekeepers. A couple of months ago I entered a songwriting competition. Didn’t get anywhere with that either. I listened to some of the runners up. An interesting spread of stuff, but I didn’t even get listed. However I am still going to keep on as what else is there? I would be good to get a sniff once in a blue moon though. At this point I do begin to feel a bit gloomy about it to be honest. Any normal person would have packed it in by now I guess. Maybe keeping trying is just a form of mental illness at my time of life?

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” ~ Maya Angelou
It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ~ Nelson Mandela
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.” ~Buddha
I do find doing rather than thinking tends to help with mood, otherwise if you are anything like me you just tend to go and make a list of everything you are disappointed with or dissatisfied or feel inadequate about and come to the conclusion that you are a massive waste of space. That tends to happen about every 4 days on average with me….
More driving, more playing, more standing up and so forth over a few days does make a difference. I am sure. Certain muscles are getting a lot more use again consistently.
That’s all folks….