So the sun’s out and it’s very warm and all that. Hooray mostly I guess. But, not much face to face contact this week and I feel a bit weird all of a sudden. I have 3 full days at the weekend but typing this I feel odd. A wave of gloom manifests’ out of nowhere.

Not Every thing You See Is Real
D Stone
If only I could do my make up as well as A.I does.
I made this. it was a very quick, off the cuff recording. Nice comment on the track too
“Your voice and lyrics are so beautiful, it’s like the leaves falling gently on my soul.” Oh my.
“Is it Falling On You”
It got a few plays which is nice. Its slightly folkier than most of my stuff as a contrast.
Cool. This time of year I tend to be up and about earlier in the day when its cooler.
Local news from this septic isle.
Are kids getting worse, or was it always like this? I suspect actually it always was.
This from a facebook friend who is F/M and disabled and about 68 and lives in Bournemouth:
“So I took a little ride to the shop and parked my mobile scooter outside. When I came back several teenage boys were messing around with it. They actually tore the wire out that goes to the motor and so I had to push the thing almost a mile up hill to get it home. When it first happened the wire was sparking and it started to smoke. I yanked the battery out quick and it stopped smoking. I could smell burnt wires tho. So that’s out of commission. Time to take the wheel off my other scooter and reinflate it. No sense in wanting to kill those boys or give them a good slap. Just keep calm and carry-on.”
That would have totally done my head in to be honest I think. Hopeful all will be well though.
I had a bit of a funny turn and anxiety/panic attack yesterday. Totally out of the blue. I haven’t had one of those for quite a while.
I am having a very slow day today. Deliberately so as I found a specific trigger for my anxiety the other day. A sudden nasty rib pain hit (not had that particular one for months, possibly due to all the special exercise routines actually working ) and because I was already a bit on edge it set the whole show off. I realised that when talking to many people I know they somehow seem to filter out a lot of the news. I seem to get obsessed with stuff. It makes one feel at times that everything is hopeless. I do too much thinking. In my head I have trying to resolve or quantify everything thing. It’s not that my thoughts are irrational, but rather that I do get obsessed by things I cannot control. Maybe the internet makes one mad! I need to talk to people, its in my nature although I am shy/introvert to an extent, that seems to have changed somewhat since VIcky and Ralphs passing. I have had a lot more company and social interaction in the last year or so which is good, but I am not so great with just my own company.
Its is dawning on me I could do solo gigs with a bit of forethought and a loop pedal. I just need a bit more confidence really. maybe that’s the next step if there is one?