Well there is stuff happening alrighty. Turmoil possibly. I float along though unperturbed as if in a dream. Amazing. The weather has turned and is now doing spring stuff finally, so that’s a bit of a boost to the system at least. I still as though I haven’t slept for a week at present. I do hope it will wear off. Talking of which being a glutton for punishment I submitted a song to a song contest and just got a rejection as I didn’t get listed. It was one for oldies. Thank goodness I have other outlets. There were 3000 entries, so to be honest I can’t imagine how much of a listen anything could get? I certainly would not have had the patience to do it. Curiously the song I had rejected was a track BBC local radio were thinking about playing. Though I do stress the “Thinking” element. I have borrowed a friends bass as I used to have one to play on a couple o f recordings rather than using my usual keyboard ones. I am seeing if it inspires me to anything different by virtue of the different playing technique required. I am feeling a little jaded creatively and would like something to give my creative spark a bit of a lift.
I just looked in on a forum I use, it’s a social space and there is a Brexit thread. It’s like a religious cult with the leavers, they blame everything on Europe but none of them have any understanding of how the EU parliament worked. they stil bang on about sovereignty. No point in putting forward any facts, they are basically like the Trumpers. It just annoys me. Blaming the EU for the fact that the UK government did not invest in the north. It’s not investing in the north now either. You cannot put forward any counter arguments without being told to leave the country if you don’t like it. Positively Homearian levels of discourse and rhetoric LOL.
So sad to hear that Tina Turner has checked out at 83. She was great. In fact the best.
On the brighter side, I now have a new passport and a old folks bus pass. Go me. All I need is a bus now. it would help 😂 That’s all the news that’s new. Band rehearsals are continuing holiday breaks and personnel issues notwithstanding.
A Piano Tune for you.
Comparing last year with this one in May there is a lot more going on. Strange but I am a little jaded and bored as I type this.

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