Wet day at the Piano again
I played a retirement home last week with Orchard our trio incarnation. It was good fun though I had the feeling some of the people there were actually younger than me and it earnt me 6 Bottles of wine worth of folding stuff which whilst not a kings or queens ransome will come in handy. The musical outlook is much less bleak than it was this time last year in terms of live performances and opportunities’ to generally which is heartening. 2 years ago I honestly thought at one point I would never be playing any gigs again. I actually have 6 acts if you include Jon Bickley the Folky and stuff with Irish Martin and the “Also Rans”). All rather different from each other and its stopped me from becoming a purely internet/bedroom artist whilst also helping with my mental and physical health generally. Like many people the covid restrictions were hard going for me and have left
I did an interesting exercise. I made a list of the people I know at present that I am actually in face to face contact with. There are 15 that I could have a good chat with about stuff and about 4 I could have a chat of a more personal sort. 13 of then are working pro or semi pro musicians or of a musical bent. So I am not doing to badly considering . That’s a lot of people by my standards. A lot of people get to my time of life and become quite isolated.
Having bipolar doesn’t help and it is very difficult on any sort of relationship/friendship from personal experience. I have what’s called “Rapid Cycling” so my mood can change from very low to quite happy (life and soul of the party) to extreme paranoia and anger though fortunately not too often these days. I can sort of function well enough but if I get over stimulated, very busy, that sort of thing it can kick off. That’s why much as I love live music I need to be a bit careful what I take on. It’s frustrating at times though. Keeping friends requires some care too.
Whist writing this I am feeling a bit ropey and hoping its not covid again so I will do a test in a moment. I have been out and in company quite a bit recently so I would like to eliminate that possibility at least. And it’s clear so that’s OK.
I am recording a very silly grungy track at present (almost moronic in its essence), because why not. Sometimes you have to. it might be rubbish, who knows? One annoying at present is the damp, I know the trees and plants need it but it really makes me ache so much and the only fix is turning the heating up or going to bed. The last few years at this time it’s been pretty warm.
Here is a song I recorded from a couple of years ago
Play Times Over