Monthly Archives: October 2022

October Musings Part 2

I am sort of in limbo really. Everything is slightly on hold. I did only minimal exercises this morning. Its is dawning on me that apart from: #1 Armageddon #2 Onset of serious illness This is it in terms of what my life is and will be. That is both a relief but also slightly daunting as I now need to plow on with things under my own steam. If they fail I don’t have comfort of blaming other when I screw up. I am a little under motivated, which is why I am tagging onto and working with other other people. Though I do my own creative thing, I do need outside poking to jolly me along a bit as well. So my Ok-ness is slightly tempered by the notion that I must keep interacting with people and not get too introverted again.  It’s that old thing of not being able to go backwards and not being able to go forwards yet. A feeling of stuckness and nostalgia and and also wondering why the axe has not fallen yet. I didn’t calculate on me still being around at this stage. My script sort of ran out, but I am still here and the play continues. I am unsure though of what my part is, and so improvise wildly waiting for a prompt from the box and wondering why the curtain has not come down. I have in relative terms done a reasonable amount this year to try and keep things going on the musical front at least but it’s felt like very hard work. That bad bout of covid was not much help either. I think Christmas is going to be very grim frankly this year.

I try to plan for the future but within reason live for the day. You have to do that as part of managing depression and also arthritis pain for example. So I shuffle a long. My next Amazon and Spotify and all that etcetera album is scheduled to be released on 11 November. That will earn me at least 00.40p over the year LOL. But hey it’s fun and why not. 

This is from about a year ago.

October Musing Part 1

I am aching and sore which is quite a bore. Typing is  painful. And sitting too. Funny how a slight unnoticed movement sets everything off. Its very tedious. Off for  a bit  of a walk but it is  suddenly gloomy here, though not cold particularly.  The new trees in the landscaped parts of our development have not faired well due to the drought. I hope they make it through the winter. I am typing standing up again due to back problems. It may help a  little. I am so not bendy and possibly a little Entish  at present again. A lot of arthritis  agro too. 5 years ago on the date of writing this I was getting on the Le Shuttle to do some gigs in France.  A very different world. Time passes in a flash. Currently I am recording and have had to admit defeat on an instrumental which is not working quite as expected, so it will be adapted and transformed instead. Note to self: try not to be too clever.

But hey here it is anyway, you be the judge.


And in other news: I think there is a war on somewhere, but I am trying not to think about it too much. These are interesting times.  Listening to the radio news with politicians gaslighting away. Are there any left in the UK government that have any sort of moral compass?  Nah… Didn’t think so.

Hope springs infernal as they say

Isaiah 40:31

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Hoping in the Lord, waiting with confident expectation for Him to act on our behalf will lead to fresh, renewable, supernatural strength.