Monthly Archives: August 2020

August 2020 the beginning

A good a start to August playing live music in the courtyard at “The Drawing Room” in Chesham with Jon Bickly (guitar and vocals)  and John Maw (mandolin and cigar Box Guitar). Good Beer and good food and all that a hobbit could delight in.

Also I have discovered the delights of cleanfeed which is a remote recording an broadcasting software like having multiple ISDN lines and is amazing for doing remote recordings and rehearsals in CD quality. So I shall be able to start collaborating with people easily from the home studio in real time a bit. I think by the time we hit the winter months that’s going to be really useful for creative sanity. 

I don’t expect to see anything like normal pre-covid life resuming for a very long time. Perhaps even a couple of years or so. I do know that I have to make sure I get out of the flat on a daily basis to keep my mental health on track. As there are starting to be a few social distanced events starting up I will try and get out a bit more and hopefully show my face a bit again. One tends to obsess somewhat with just ones only company a lot of the time. We must have a bit of faith in the future