Well the day started with the toaster shorting out, but a bit of jiggery pokery and that is now fixed. Hurrah!
Alison wanted to buy a new one but this is only 6 months old so that’s good.
I had 4 music colleagues/friends for a visit yesterday and managed to sort a few things out going forward with them.
Also to clear up a few misunderstandings. which is quite important as certain things relevant to my present situation needed clarifying.
The CBD oil seems useful and helpful in terms of anxiety and dare I say aches and pains after a weeks use so I shall persist with it for a while.
I am still feeling a bit doom laden though and not sure how I am going to get past that to be honest. It’s a veil of sadness that colours everything. They say it takes about 18 months to get over this sort of thing and that seems likely. I think this coming winter will be hard for me, but hopefully there are new friends and acquaintances that I may yet make?
Once you get to a certain age making friends is not so easy is it? Especially if like me your not particularly good at it.
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