Brexit is actually pure genius;
1) Get the disaffected and disposed on side by blaming the nasty foreign centrist EU types for all their woes
2) Get the xenophobes on board by blaming low wages on freedom of movement
3) Get the pound into crisis then buy up everything possible whilst its low
4) Convince the loss of empire fantasists that we are showing our British pluck or bulldog spirit or some other old bollocks
5) Set it all up by not teaching in schools about the way that civics work and also by teaching a highly abridged British history
6) Once the economy is tanking re-employ people on shit wages for cheap exports.
7) Get people so frightened that they will not oppose or protest anything.
8) Keep the populace under threat of losing their employment rights
9) Pop corks on Champers and sit back and watch the fun from your summer residence in the Dordogne or Provence or Tuscany.or Umbria.
Sounds like a plan for Nigel and Moggy