Well yesterday I went to Enfield for the Little Green Dragons Charity fundraising do. We played at around 4. Lots of people there and many local musicians some of whom it has to be said are very good indeed. I did a 40 minute set with Lorraine and it went down fairly well. It was very hot (33c) but we got through it Ok and I chatted to a few friends who gave me the usual “keep calm and carry on” speeches. I spent a good 2 hours chatting after we played and watching the other acts.
I must admit it did lift my spirits considerably and the event raised about £650 quid for a good cause, so a result. An easy drive there and back too made even better by listening to “Just a minute” on the way home. Then half a Vegan Pizza and loads of Salad plus some red wine and watched the final episode of Poldark.
On a day when I am mostly feeling good things ain’t so bad really. At such moments I consider the fact some risks are worth taking. I could have been stuck in an office in Millbank this morning, though paradoxically it is only by having been in that office in Millbank that I was able to escape it.
Life is a mystery at times.
You can’t win if you don’t play the game…
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