Yep its you I am talking to.
I am suffering a bit with my back at present, so I am not in the best of moods. So what have I been up to.
Played a few gigs including a couple of festivals which have been great. Also been carrying on with creating my own stuff in my mini-studio in sunny Bedford. Making bad fashion choices and just generally carrying on.
I need to change a few habits having moved. I was in living in London so long I still have my London head on. Things do change and also we need to let go of what’s outmoded and no longer useful to us. Its difficult though.
One of the things that really is very important to remember is simply that you can never have too many friends. People are the most important thing. If you fall out and do fnd you can make amends then don’t let your pride stop you.
Much of what I thought was important turns out to be nonsense.
Just this which is good advice:
John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
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