Monthly Archives: August 2017

If you were wondering why the Tories have quietly dropped their dodgy ‘Bill of Rights’, it’s because they don’t need it any more – they can achieve the same aims, with far less fuss, in their so-called ‘Repeal Bill’.
The Bill will be the most dishonest piece of legislation to go through Parliament in decades – starting with its title. It will repeal nothing. The stated aim is to enshrine European laws that the UK observes (without having passed them as our own) into UK law, to ensure a smoother transition when Brexit happens.

Read the original here >

The ‘Repeal Bill’ will put profit over people in a double-whammy for the Tories

We know what the problem is but how do we solve it

” José ‘Pepe’ Mujica warns the public to stop wealthy politicians before it’s too late

The former President of Uruguay José ‘Pepe’ Mujica, also known as the World’s Poorest President, has issued a stark warning to the public:

“Remove the wealthy Elites from politics before it’s too late.”

In an emotional message to citizens worldwide, he has urged people to wake up to the financially motivated corruption that is rotting democracy from the core.

Mujica was the Uruguayan President between 2010 and 2015 and was a former urban guerrilla fighter with the Tupamaros who was imprisoned for 13 years during the military dictatorship in the 1970s and 1980s.

Often referred to as the “world’s most humble president”, he retired from office in 2015 with an approval rating of 70 percent and had touched people globally with his selfless messages.

He famously donated 90 percent of his salary to charity which offered a strong contrast to politics in the United States, where the average member of Congress is worth more than $1 million and corporations are free to donate to political campaigns with many of the same rights as individuals.”

I think I am getting past it

I think I am getting past it. Recently I feel like I am permanently recovering from flu, aching and tired. Maybe I need a change.

I seem to be OK when I am occupied sufficiently so maybe it’s a depression thing. I can lift myself out of this feeling and I do quite a good public face, but I feel like I am struggling a bit. I was on SSRI’s for quite a while,(10 to 15 years) but they don’t seem to fix the problem. Also they (antidepressants ) in my personal experience tend to disinhibit and this can lead to bad decision making, so whilst you start to feel better, you often find that you’re digging a big hole which eventually you tend to fall into. I have had quite a bit of therapy of various sorts over the years and I function just about but right now it’s hard work. I had a recent conversation as part of recording a podcast about performing, and the fact that I am essentially quite introvert though I can switch modes to perform, sing play but as soon as the switch goes off at the end of a gig I am very unsure. I suppose that could be interpreted as being anti-social or aloof, but I am actually not. Its just a massive lack of confidence and perhaps low self-esteem.

I also have a lot of anger about what I see going on around me and I despair about the sort of attitudes I see in many people. The world seems to be going backwards in many ways and that saddens me, though there are little islands of hope. The lack of charity (in the broadest sense) to those that are struggling for all sorts of reasons, health, unemployment or simply bad luck. Often I see this from people who say they have some sort of religious faith but behave in ways contrary to the tenants of that faith.

Perhaps, then my depression is a reasonable reaction to the world that I see.