More about the magic money tree

Keith Lindsay-Cameron writes:

“As far as I can see there are four magic money trees. The bank of England can print money at will, though sensitive to inflation. The banks can create money out of thin air as debt, with seemingly no considerations other than the interest, as profit, they charge which comes out of our labour. The third branch is taxation, which is a constantly flowing cash cow which they use and abuse at will and the fourth branch is government borrowing which has gone through the roof under this government.

Given all that, we are being subjected to endless austerity and cuts and ever shrinking services and, for many, priced or sanctioned out of living.

So here’s my question. Where is all the money going?

The only answer I can see is straight up, judging by the fantastic polarisation of wealth to the top. What is not clear to me is how, given the unbelievable rate at which it is happening. It seems to me that it is one of those hidden in plain sight things. It’s epic.”

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