Its April and its wet. It will stop eventually I hope, (being wet, not April). I have nothing against April. Through the wonderful medium of youtube I have been refreshing my acquaintance with some old BBC sci-fi. I have over the past couple of weeks watched the entire run of 4 seasons of Blake’s 7. I really enjoyed it. It looks totally rubbish but the story’s good and you can beat a bit of dystopian future fiction. It fits so well with the mood of the times don’t you think. Also all the characters are deeply flawed individuals that show different aspects as time goes by but of course at the end everybody dies and the system carry’s on regardless. So all the effort is ultimately futile. Much like real life then.
Getting totally immersed in it has been a marvelous guilty pleasure.
“nicked from wikipedia”

Blake’s 7 was popular from its first broadcast, watched by approximately 10 million people in the UK and shown in 25 other countries. Although many tropes of space opera are present, such as spaceships, robots, galactic empires and aliens, its budget was inadequate for its interstellar narrative. It remains well regarded for its strong characterisation, ambiguous morality and pessimistic tone. Critical responses to the programme have been polarised; reviewers praised its dystopian themes and “enormous sense of fun”, and broadcaster Clive James described it as “classically awful”.
I liked watching it again as it really matched my mood. Can you get anything for Dystopia at the pharmacy?
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