I have just spent another hour trying to put a violin part on a track. Its just not working, even with all the right notes in the right order 😉 Very frustrating indeed. Its getting tantalisingly near but is still not quite right. Should I keep on trying or move on to something else. Often if things don’t work its best to let them go, but I have not quite hit that point yet. I am feeling very uninspired frankly. I do feel a bit (as in lack of affect, as though psych types would say)flat and suspect I am mildly depressed and may be that’s why I can’t get a sufficient head of steam up. Fortunately there are a couple of gigs this weekend and a visit to Islington Folk Club so that will stop me from sulking around the flat for too long. In between attempting to do other stuff I have been continuing my quest to tidy up, though to be honest its not looking any different yet.
Its amazing how many ways you can avoid doing things, my “to do list” is not getting any shorter yet.
Here’s a blast from the past. Our second old faithful band van, which took us to a few exotic places. Note the orange light and what appear to be two grenade launchers on top. That’s what you call a hard core van.
Actually I think it was a plasterer’s or maybe a plumbers van as it had some weird gubbins in the back door.
I always liked Transit vans, they were pretty comfortable really.

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