Played at a festival called Brownstock on Sunday July 12.
Wearing my Delta Ladies Hat.
Its in Essex at a place called Stow Maries. Just around the corner from Woodham Ferrers. Quite a big do but our little corner was basically in the bar. The Slippery Saddle Saloon…. I shall say no more 😉 A bit of dancing about ensued.
Good fun and an enthusiastic and varied audience. plenty of compliments about the band too. No beer on this occasion though.
It was a 90 minute slot but went quickly though.
The weather behaved though as we were indoors it would not have been a huge problem.
I Felt a bit deflated coming home afterwards though. For some indefinable reason I find myself increasingly ill at ease at the moment. Wherever I am I want to be somewhere else. It definitely feels like time to get out of London now, but I could well be bored anywhere really I suppose.
Yesterday I went and looked at my old office building (up near Lambeth bridge on the Westminster side), and even that is being turned into luxury apartments. Sometimes you feel your past evaporating. I am missing the tranquility of rural France though, I felt at ease, but now I feel like I have an itch that I can’t scratch.