No fanfares or plagues of frogs so far, which is a good thing.
A couple of minor niggles with odd behavior from someone I have been doing a bit of work for though, which put me in a bad mood.
I built and maintained a website for a music magazine and was on a retainer to keep it up to date and support it. I was recently told that this arrangement would have to stop due to financial difficulty’s.
I then discover that without telling me they have engaged some one else to do a third rebuild of the site (I had done two redesigns, the site is fully content managed and we had got the traffic up to about 1 million page views a year). It seems to me that its perfectly OK to dispense with my services, but why the bullshit about not being able to afford it? Unless the new person is doing it for free?
This has left me a bit pissed off for two reasons, one sudden lost of income which I could have been told about in advance and secondly that they had not informed me that they were working with someone else. I contacted the web developer and asked them how the new design was going, very well they said.
I then told them that the first I had heard about any of this was a phone call on Friday night. I have heard nothing since.
I don’t think its reasonable when you are working for someone for two years for them to not bother to inform you you about whats going on as they must have started the work about a month ago.
Presumably they might have thought that I would pull the plug or something, which to be frank I am quite tempted to do now if I don’t get a reasonable explanation as why I was not informed.
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