Mythical Shirelands

England’s dreaming. Yes, bits of it certainly are, it must be said. I think I saw it today. There is a lot of very pleasant countryside to see here. Its all looking a bit disneyland olde England in the sunshine today. Appropriate I suppose as the king has got his hat on now. I had a brief trip out to to a local village (Felmersham) as I was suffering from cabin fever somewhat. I love visiting churches, I think it’s because I need redemption it helped a little, but as I write this the gloom has set in again. For the last few years we have had bright and very warm springs but this years been a slow starter all round. And whilst I have been busy things have not quite gelled as i would have hoped. Various band projects are progressing slowly at least. Perhaps a bit too slowly though for me. writing my thoughts down helps me keep perspective on it all though at least.

An unusual happenstance to get a track played several times in Vietnam as it is not a place people listen to my stuff a lot. Japan and Korea yes. But hey its progress I guess. My stuff is played world-wide as its distributed on over 35 different streaming platforms including chinese ones, but sadly not played enough…. Getting played in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi today is a novelty though. When I was a child those names were associated with newsreel footage of bombing on the TV news..

As I write it’s the end of the coronation weekend at present and a dull day in every regard. It’s raining outside and it’s raining in my head too.
So here is the song for you.