What’s to be Done?

We can’t slow down time but some people seem to just give up at a certain point in life. Perhaps they are perfectly content in some bovine manner to chew cud and wait for the slaughter house? Makes you wonder at times. I would rather be doing until I am done so to speak. But sometimes it’s difficult. Yesterday my back kicked off after I unwisely spent a couple of hours watching TV seated on the sofa and could hardly stand up. That was a shock to system dear reader without doubt. A bit of a worry.

And guess what another tune. Not quite sure what this is exactly, a sort of semi modal, jazzy thing. So here it is then, “Don’t Trust The Spring Dance”

My various band projects are steadily making progress at the moment which is very pleasing too. Beyond that is just keeping on keeping on. At the time of writing this it’s now 4 years to the day since Vicky Martin died after a gig at the Slaughtered Lamb and the whole routine of regular gigs seems a world away from what I do now. “Things ain’t what they used to be” by any means now. I have made new friends among my musical co-conspirators which is pleasing.

Spring is trying get going just about now which makes things look a little more cheery too.

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts”.

Marcus Aurelius

Roman Emperor