Aprils Here, Say Hello

A few more gigs and guest spots in the last few weeks makes it feel almost like the old days again in some respects. But lots of different people to work and play with which is really pleasant. My mental health is slightly fragile again, so I need to pace myself a little and not get over stimulated too much. Nothing too serious but an error in judgement gave me a bit of stress earlier in the week. Hopefully things will be OK now but I didn’t see it coming. I can usually manage my ups and downs pretty well these days on the whole, but I got caught out.
Whoops. Hopefully not too much damage has been done in the longer term.

So music, music and more music. So here is a new tune:

The lyrics for this song were generated by AI after I fed it with a theme for the lyrics and certain key words and phrases. I have to say I was quite impressed with the results. Amazing.

In other news, well to be honest there is not much other news at present. My adjustment to being a proper pensioner seems to be pretty much underway now, though I don’t really see myself that way and yet I am now well into the foothills of golden oldie territory. It sneaks up on you unbenounced. I am still sitting here with the cage door open and not doing much more than popping my head out at times I feel. Having the pension coming in has made a huge difference of course but I still feel a little bit at sea. I still need to make a couple of local acquaintances as there is stuff I could go to but I dont fancy it on my own. I hope I can fix that with luck. What odd is that I didn’t seem to seek out company quite as much as I do now these days. Maybe when I was at home I was busier a few years back? Something is different.