Daily Archives: January 25, 2019

Been there, done that January 2019

I’m going to try and avoid celebrating my Birthday because 62 is just way too old. Although obviously better than the alternative. Today I thought for a change I would try dictating directly into the blog because I have the tech and it sort of works. My sister came down stay for just over a week for a visit which was quite nice she’s been down 3 times in just under a year previously to that I haven’t seen her for months and months.

Been doing quite a lot of very minor DIY around the place which makes it look a bit better and getting some coloured lighting and various things for the music room to make that little bit more workable not very exciting stuff but it makes me feel a lot more comfortable and also try not to drink too much as I haven’t been out 2 gigs and stuff over Christmas I’m also quite well aware that I need a bit more exercise so starting this last week or so I’ve just been the counting my steps each day to make sure that I get something like a reasonable step count does help with my back not seizing up too much as I can’t sit down in front of the PC for too long.

I have to admit that this is going to need a lot of editing but it is much much easier just talking and dictating into this thing than it is some typing especially when you fingers in your wrists hurt a bit which at the moment they do. 

I also sent off one of those DNA kits as my sister is fascinated about what she thinks the origins of our family might be she didn’t want to do it herself so I’m doing it instead quite difficult actually because getting suspicion spit in the little tube and all the rest of it I thought I was going to run out of saliva before I can get sufficient in there. Anyway it is all done and it’s been posted off results take about 2 months or something to come back I think she’ll be more interested in that than I am actually. On the music front I have been doing a few tunes they’re all a bit miserable at the moment but never mind we are in the sort of miserable Midwinter mood. I also have a couple of peripheral music projects I’m supposed to be getting involved in and potentially might be going off to France for a couple of days to mix the album The Delta Ladies one that we did last year which for various reasons never got finished and which quite frankly still might not get finished it’s a long story and it goes on and on and on fingers crossed. 

I still haven’t got myself a bike after promising to get myself one after nearly a year so that’s the next thing on the list apart from the bathroom cabinet. 

I have completely forgotten what I was going to say in this here blog but it’ll come to me as I mentioned in I possibly in a previous blog the amount of driving and doing is getting a bit ridiculous and it is actually affecting my back. I think because I noticed after a few fairly lengthy drives let me back really really been giving me hell not quite sure I’m going to do about that though. 

In other news when my sister visited she thought down literally a suitcase full of old family photographs which I have been scanning she’s got a lot more and some of them are actually quite hilarious looking back on them. I don’t know who all of these people are in the pictures though.

Whilst I’m writing this I’m currently trying to get my step count up so I’m walking from Lounge down the hallway and back again and down the hallway and from the lounge and back again. It sort of works which is cool.

A couple of gigs this week to start New Year. One at the Birds Nest Deptford which a sort of community pub and backpackers hostel,with anice stage a good PA and even a resident sound man who is also a very good musician of irish roots but also playing world music and much more who I played some ethnic stuff with as well as our normal set. Smashing fun. The audience was spread of people from 20 to 70 plus and everything from aging crusty travelers to Irish folky’s to young kids.

Then on Friday the 5 piece line up at Chelmsford FC on opening for a Bowie tribute band in a 300 capacity social club venue with a very different audience. It went Ok though to my great surprise. A nice stage and a good PA so not to hard a job. and only a 45 minute set. The audience was quite appreciative surprisingly considering what the main act was. 

Saturday I had to miss a duo gig as I was unwell as the bug I had picked up early in the week finally won. 
So a day in bed and a lot of sleep.

The Brexit thing is getting seriously weird now and who knows where it will end. At the moment though I don’t see it ending well in any possible outcome except one which remains the least lightly