Going forward because we cant find reverse
Things wear out all the time
Hints Of Spring
Ouch DIY is Dangerous
Just a bit of fiddling
World of confusion
A bit of Sunshine
March 2025
It's mad mad mad world
World On The Brink?
Lions Mane
Its Not Getting Any Easier Yet
More February Musings
Good, Bad or Something in between.
It's All In The Mind
January Addendum
last song for January
You Can't Make People Like You
Go on Then You Know You Want to...
Sargasso Stuck, Becalmed Already
Tis the Merry month of January I guess
I think I understand your games
We Had Snow
Hello 2025, Come in and take a look around
Popular Music
The Doldrums
5 days later...
A Darker Green
End of the Year Round Up
Jingly Nerves, Jingle All The Way
Its All About The Money You Know
Its Jazz But Not as We Know It Jim
No Rain Today
Gosh is it getting that late already?
I have No Faith left
Just Because It Fits?
Blues init
Nothing Is Real, Soggy Old Fields Forever
Your Mind Opened Up My Doors
Today It's Hard
Thoughts on the nuts and bolts of creating and writing.
Cracks Around The Edges again
Winter and Bills and First World Problems
Just Doing The Doo, Was It good for You?
Armistice Day
The Plot Thickens
If you have power
Another One Just Slipped Out
Frustrations And Questions
November 2024
Just a reminder for you.
The Clocks Go Back, No No No
The Nights Draw In Again
Cast The First Stone
Such Times As These.
This Song wants a Little More love
In To The Darkness
And There's More Unsurprisingly
October's Musings In The Rain Kingdom
Today It's not raining
A passing low
Why do we want things that are bad for us?
Autumnal Thoughts Continued
Reviewing The Situation
Time Passing
Are The Wheels Coming Off The Bus As They Go Round
A Pause For Thought
One Step Forward Two Steps Backward Means All Work And No Play
Status Report Star date who knows what
Too Hot To Tango
The Thin Veneer Is Starting To Crack
Facebook People
Don't take It Out On Those That Are Weaker Than You
So Class What Have We Learned Today
It's a mad, mad world
A busy weekend for a change
A little further on down the road
Football , What's that Then?
Its A Moist July So Far
Independence Day or Silly Walks Day?
Offensive Flowers and Plants Police
If It's A Fight You Want You Have Already Lost It.
You Can Never Go Back
Right Leg, Left Leg and Robin Hood
Sunny days and uphill struggles
Learned Hopelessness
The End?
When You Feel You Have Done Enough But ...
Mental Health Days
Strange Days Again It Seems
Well I did Try Honestly I Did
What A World With Such Wonders In It
Times A Funny Thing
Chesham Fringe Festival performing as part of Jonathan Bickleys rather good Invisible Folk Club band at the George and Dragon
Watching Rishi In The Rain
Post Covid First Gig And Stuff
It's Not Been The Best Week
Going Forward Then Boldly?
I have a Lurgy
Definitely Getting Older Now Says Recent Opinion Poll
Some Musings On How Life Is Now
What's A Foot For May
Sonic Boomers
Another Album Submitted
The Old Ways And The New Ways
Humble, How is That Working For You
Waiting and Waiting
Time Out And Re-Grouping
A proper gig
How To Keep It All Together
And There's More
The Last Song
On Recording and Related Matters
Lonely Mostly
Almost Easter Again
Just My Latest Song.
Did We Get It Over The Line?
Up Hill Slowly
I Am Working On it
Artistic Burnout Time
Footloose and Fancy Free
What Am I Like, You Really Don't Want To Know.
This Time Next Year I wonder If
This Seems Appropriate
Not So Happy Fridays
What Are You Running From Or Towards
The light of a 1000 Stars
Just A Dream
FOMO and more
A New Song Is In The Works
A lot of Anger Pointed At The Wrong People
A well of sleep
Painted Smiles
Confidence and Imposter Syndrome
Saturday Random Thoughts
Its All Too Much
February, It Begins
When There Is A New Tune...
Can You Really Change The Path Your Life Will take?
Ultimately The Best Result You Can Ever Get Is A Draw
Hold Fast The Storm Will Pass
Bureaucracy and the filling of forms.
The Spirit of 67
Moving on up and Intrusive Thoughts
Fluffy Pink Dream Land
Fear and the inevitable decline or its nearly my birthday again
January and all that
There is always something unfinished
More Rain Again
Welcome 2024, What have you got in store
Is There Hope For The World in 2024?
And There's More, Because There Always is..
Addendum Pre Christmas
Conspiracy Theory
What's Going On?
Hitting The Wall
A Quiet Week In Great Denham
Seasons Groanings
One Day Perhaps
Why Does It Have To Be Difficult
Captains Log Star Date Whatever
When you realise it really doesn't make sense any more
A Jolly Tune
Old men
When To Run Away And When To Stand Your Ground
Seasons and How to deal with them
My latest Recording
Looking Forward And Looking Back
We Carry It All With Us Always
A Recent Tune for this time of year.
The Guilt Trip
Changes a foot and Elsewhere too
A tune I forgot
Very Warm October Continued
Take a Deep Breath And Hope For The best
Where are we now report
Let The Not So Good Times Roll
Rainy Day Piano Time
The Ups and Downs and Happy and Sad Days
Who Do You Think You Are?
First Your Hot ,Then Your Not
Autumn In My Head September Said
A song for the end of the month
But what of tomorrow?
Can You Help Me Get It Right?
Wandering Over Hill And Dale
August updates and musings
Rain Rain Rain
Damp Expectations
A Small Disturbance In the Force
Abnormal Service Will Not Be Resumed Shortly
You Won't Get a Second Chance
Here We All Are Sitting On A what ?
Solstice and more thoughts.
Uphill again
June like the mountains I'm blue, Like the pines....
Do You Ever Get The Feeling
More Thoughts On Dreams Again
Mythical Shirelands
Still Dreaming because We Must
April Round Up....
Sun and Rain and Wind Again.
What's to be Done?
Aprils Here, Say Hello
Orchard at the Lytton Arms
Nobody told me there would be things. Continued
Irish Stuff.
Proceed in an orderly fashion.
And so it continues
February Begins
And Also Sometimes This Lot.
The Joy Of Innocence. Nope
What's The Weather?
January 2023
New Years Day 2023
Boxing Day 2023
Christmas Day At The Workhouse
The Twilight Zone
Feeling a bit of a Chill
Warm Spaces In the Bedford Area
Keep On Trying Till You Get It Right, Right?
Gosh its getting busy now
Someday Maybe
The Little Green Dragon
November, the next bit
Prelude To Winter
Autumn Musings
October Musings Part 3
October Musings Part 2
October Musing Part 1
What's Fixed and What is not.
September The Middle Bit QE2 and afterwards
September with Rain
Funky Jazzy Music Time
August Round Up
More Rain Can't Complain
Stage Managed
It's The Time Of The Season for...
So Hot My Brain is Fried
Just a Little bit Crazy Right Now Again
Keeping On Keeping On Spaces In Our Heads
Still fighting with Covid.
A new song today.
Hanging on in there.
Busy Times
So Who Are You Really?
June Musings or Thereabouts
A recent recording of a song I wrote in the 90s
A Little Light Trancey Music
I played a gig on Sunday
More Paisley Underground video
Tis the Merry Month of May
Do It again
Google Is Your Friend
My New Band Paisley Underground Again
Playing the Fiddle With Martin McGrath
Pub Session in Bedford
Just me Playing The Piano
The Quickening
What It Looks Like From Here Right Now.
Wearing My Jazz Hat In Rehearsals
Space cadets are go
Can Everyone Hear Me At The Back
Paisley Underground
March Onward To What?
Maybe It's Just Me
Rain And More Rain Mostly
Hold That Thought
Further On Down the Road
Remember When There Was No Undo Button
January 2022, What does it mean to you?
Is it Safe?
Dont Panic
Its been a while since I last spoke with you. Pull up a chair.
A New Varient.
Rolling Along Just About
Out with the Old and in with the?
The days grow short when you reach...You know the rest.
Once Upon A Time In Bedford
Moving Through The Vale The new album from Diana Stone
Thinking Time
A few thoughts on playing and composing music
So How Did We Get Here
Mostly waiting for something
Just History Repeating Itself Again.
September 2021 whats a foot then
Summers Last Fling
Well That Was Different.
The Grass Is Greener
Keeping Up the Good Work and All That
The Long Way Home
Windows and Wonderings
Adventures in Normality Land
Introspection and the Landscape in my Head
The land of Woo and Wonderment
Hot Hot Hot
Friday Thoughts Mid July
Struck Philosophical Almost
Starting From Scratch
Notes From Somewhere Near Bedford
A June 2021 Round Up
Lyrics That Escape Us
Bad for the right reasons or good for the wrong ones?
Beginning Ending or Middle
Sad Old Song Time
Seems Like Summer
The Daily Grind
Lost the plot if there was one
Still rusty and creaking.
Sunny Uplands
Two steps forward
A slow opening up has started.
Can Summer be far away
Mostly about a new tune
People are out there. Its official.
Mayday Mayday
Its fear Jim but not as we know it
You cant always get what you want
Keep calm and carry on perhaps?
DIana and Vicky being unplugged and folk style at Chesham Folk Club
Soon it will be two years past
Times tides wash us away like pebbles on a beach
Dreams and passing fancies
Land of longer daylight
Its not getting any easier yet.
Tired mostly
Times and Tides
Marching on
They call it Wet Wednesday
Vaccination tale
And its still february
February 21 more
Feb 2021 part 2
Its just a new tune Sorry I am a stranger here myself
February first thoughts
End of January 2021 Round Up.
Can we ever say more than we did our best?
When I'm 64 .....
More January 2021 thoughts
Back to lockdown again
January comences
Some good news we hope for 2021
Christmas 2020
Diana Stones Glass Cage Press kit link and info
December begins
The nights are drawing in again
Another quiet Sunday
Sad news this month
The things we dare not say
November Fireworks and back into lockdown
When the space between worlds is thin and fragile
Mostly a review of the year to date
A damp day watching the leaves turn again
More October 2020
Lockdown the Movie
Thoughts for this day
October 2020
Mid September Lockdown 2020
The weekend
The last song this month is Golden Ticket
Once upon a time we dreamed a dream
Where are we?
What next? Here's a bit of a catch up blog post for August 2020
This weeks song from me
August 2020 week 1 A new Tune
August 2020 the beginning
I am not so sure any more
Notes from a lazy Sunday afternoon
The young pigeon
July 8 2020
July begins
When life makes no sense and the world seems alien
Whats next?
Its nearly the longest day (June 2020)
A new day
May additional
May 2020 round up
May 2020
How to socially distance on public transport
Thinking about things
Liza lockdown languished lazily looking through the window waiting for the light of sanity to dawn.
Locked in Life
Music and Recordings from 2020
Hiding In Your Shadow
Into The Woods - a film by Invisible Folk
Keeping sane.
Viral Load, why keeping your distance may help
Guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable from COVID-19
Social distancing, what to do.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Myth busters
Coronavirus: Should people work from home, and other questions answered
For those in fear or alone
COVID-19 where to find accurate info.
The voices in my head
What are you worried about?
Wash Your Hands.
Wash your Hands
Should we be worried?
More February Thoughts
Fighting like rats in a sack
The danger of fairness
February 2020
Der Mittelpunkt / The Center
A bit of EDM just for a change
Musician wanted for duo.
I hope for those of you that are in need something turns up.
January 2020
75th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp on 27 January, International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Everybodys leaving now, but what if you don't have somewhere to go?
Teenage me so ignorant, happy in stupidity
How long before we can't speak freely
Hello 2020
Halfway Hotel
BBC? yes or no...
It's not over until it's over.
It's harder than you think
Get philosophy done
Christmas 2019
A refugees guide to being a refugee
Up the creek
Is Britain Racist and Xenophobic?
One Third Soup Kitchen are at Stratford. Do pop over and say hello if you’re shopping in the area.
Whilst there is life and all that
It is bad
It's looking bad
Just a reminder You can vote
A round-up of 2019
Where we are now re Brexit
Not the Boris Johnson Interview...
The Clock of Doom Current Time
Getting out of poverty
Risks to the NHS
Jewish people and the Labour party
The blog that you need to read. Not mine but this one.
Testing my new web cam
What time is now?
Only Autumn
At this time perhaps more than ever why we need to think about the sort of world we want.
Politicians 'seem childish to the working class'
£8.33 the cost of an average bottle of wine
Vote Vote Vote
Maybe someday
Tories insist the NHS is not for sale?
Social murder
One week ago Donald Trump told Nigel Farage to make a pact with Boris Johnson.
Delta Ladies Live at the Rose and Crown Walthamstow
Matt Hancock received £32,000 in donations from chair of think tank that wants NHS 'abolished'
Labour Party Manifesto
Playing piano at Cardington Church
Mr Simms, from Bilsthorpe, says he thinks the UK needs to do more to stamp out racism.
Britain whats going on?
Car Lust
Went the day well?
No to Brexit
The German sense of humour.
That's all folks
Danny Bryan and Diana Stone Kora and Violin Duet at Ye Olde Mitre Barnet
October 2019
Eleven justices, in Britain's highest court, will rule on whether Prime Minister Boris Johnson's decision to prorogue Parliament was legal.
And also in the world of British Newspapers stirring it
Thought for the day
Never could do crosswords
A brick wall
More Delta Ladies at Bar Gabs 2016
Delta Ladies in France 2016
Little Green Dragon
I should be so lucky
Thoughts on time passing
Why’s it so hard to call El Paso far-right terrorism, even though that’s how authorities are investigating it?
Pure Genius
July's round up
Ordinary people...
Why algorithms are called algorithms
And worse
And it just keeps getting worse
Wind is blowing
Believe me this night
More Piano
England seriously what are you doing?
Mark Field probably is not in favour of this?
A friendly piano at Cardington
Delta ladies V.2
Austerity is a psychological attack on the disabled
Sometimes you really are on your own out on a limb.
So I did some stuff...
Leading children’s charity NSPCC has cut ties with Munroe Bergdorf, one of the UK’s most influential transgender activists
How will wealthy Brexiteers profit from Brexit?
God’s Blessing to the Weak
Please show your welcome by coming to this event
Don't put our NHS up for negotiation
Absent Friends
EU Election results. Is it the oncoming storm?
I think it's all downhill from here
Dear Labour Party why are you anti Europe?
At the last
Tune for Vicky
Sad Times
Delta Ladies “The Future”
Much ado about nothing
In loving memory of Vicky Martin 1947 - 2019 who will be missed by many
What is home
Peoples Vote Please
Currently greater than the population of Scotland
Delta Ladies in action at the UB Chelmsford
Delta Ladies are back at the United Brethren In Chelmsford
More on the theme of "what have the EU done for us"
February 2019 epilogue
The facts in the UK are stark. One in four children are currently living in poverty in our country.
Mr Gammon
Its sunday, why not go to ye Olde Mitre Barnet to see the Delta Ladies?
If you are at a lose end tonight. Pop down to Walthamstow Ye Olde Rose and Crown
And yet again history repeats it self.
Delta Ladies at Walthamstow Folk Club
I have definitely met some very rich people who earn huge amounts of money who I wouldn’t let hold my pint if I had to go and vote while in the bar
Thought for the day
Been there, done that January 2019
Batman is the answer
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
You need to read this
A Winters Tale
Doctor Who: Resolution review – old foes and Brexit gags in spectacular satire
There is a path to a second referendum – and only Labour can win it
DONATE TO CRIB and be a part of helping Bedford’s homeless this Christmas!
2019 when lying will be all the rage
When you need to move out of a war zone, where do you go?
Brexit - what you need to know
Police force admits passing footage of disabled protesters to DWP!
2019 Its coming
A little Christmas Cheer
Ken Livingstone on Austerity and other matters
Brexit Explained Simply
A New Release on CD baby
Harry Leslie Smith
Brexit: Facts vs Fear, with Stephen Fry.
Petition Grant a People's Vote if Parliament rejects the EU Withdrawal Agreement
What Is the Meaning of Life?
Balanced reporting
If you voted leave simply because of concerns about immigration you should take the time to read this.
Some people are just nasty
Medication for mental health: Call to 'end pill-shaming'
Diana Stone at the Musician Leicester
Thanks for everything
Ted Heath said
Everybody sells out eventually
October 2018 round up.
A sad Song
A parable for our times
Autumn Season of Mists and Mellow arthritic pains
Too much
Toss aside empty hopes
Delta ladies doing some East West Blues at Ye Old Mitre Barnet.
Maybe Dying a new tune
Sometimes we all have to change direction
The Mundane and the inane
September and where its at
Fibromyalgia ?
Amazing what people find threatening?
Weekend in Colne
Something put this in my mind
Late August musings
My heads in a very weird place.
If you have been suffering with the heat
Check your weight
Its worth remembering
The world is just too much
Once upon time in Notting Hill
Just a picture of me chewing a wasp at Ealing Blues Festival
At the end of the day Would you rather be part of Europe or a Tax haven heritage park?
We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn
Another reason why we need a closer integrated world
Donald's big London Welcome
Bunny Ears?
Only a slight grip on reality now.
And then sometimes its like that
Sometimes its like this
Alone or not?
If music be the food of
The sound of migrant children separated from parents
I may have finally run out of anything worthwhile to say
Different battle but the same war
Everything you need to know
Some words from the wise
Is this it?
It's the day we?
A slight touch of the sad today
Win 10 what have you done?
An at home day
How are you all doing?
At it in the Studio
Sanity, is it over rated?
English Pastorial
Ever get the feeling its not going to end well?
Windrush and beyond
Old School artifact
Thought for the day
Spring sunshine finally
Labour Party Fund raiser at Saint Monica's Parish Centre
Has spring sprung yet?
Starting to get sorted out
Interesting gig yesterday
Worth your support
March 2018
Recording a Delta Ladies Album at Coach House studios in Hesdin
Pastures new
Help needed
How many fingers 2018
Desperate friends
January 2018 update
ill health & an early death is the price low-income citizens & their children are made to pay for tax cuts
January 2018
Nice work if you can get it
The world that you don't see
Wishing everyone a peaceful Christmas
Homelessness can be fixed if there is a real political will to do it
John Bercow reminds us about parliamentary democracy and how it works
A Cornish mans opinion
Light or Darkness Good or Evil who's winning?
Simon’s story
Tory MP Heidi Allen in tears during universal credit debate
It is two and a half minutes to midnight
Often the UK follows the USA. Lets be careful out there
Its the good life
Steve Bannon with Rees Mogg
Jeremy Corbyn
What we think we know
US bank worried about UK not becoming third world tax haven
Beautiful in its simplicity
It's mostly jam tomorrow.
A few more tunes
Old Song
That moment when you realise that however pissed off you get with life you are still the youngest person in the band.
Its just not going well is it
We all want to believe in something
Make every effort to enter through the narrow door
November 2017
Time to face facts
More news as we get it
September Time of mists and mellow fruitfulness and MOT tests
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana
Things which make me very sad
Blending with the scenery
We know what the problem is but how do we solve it
I think I am getting past it
Paradise garden
This is the clock
Some stuff to listen to whilst everything turns to shit
History repeats
Its really not sour grapes honestly
The Scale of Economic Inequality in the UK
Friedrich Engels in his book The Condition of the Working Class in England
Ye Merrie Olde Brexit Land
Minister of cognitive dissonance
Pending review
Jack Monroe
Some times it really is just too much to deal with
Laura Pidcock - Maiden Speech
More about the magic money tree
Do you feel lucky
Don't take the test
You couldn't make it up.
For all of those lovely people that post comments at the Spectator
Camden Tower evacuation
Nice hat
The wisdom of Boris
Grenfell Tower
Working with the resources that you have
Stranger in a strange land
Register to vote by 1 minute to midnight TONIGHT
Jeremy Corbyn at Prenton Park
Labour Party Manifesto 2017
Register to vote
You are bought and sold and told what to think
Vote and you might even get what you want
May it be!
The good the bad and the ugly
I don't do beer commercials but
On the fiddle
One of the most surreal things that I see on a daily basis
A couple of Posters for the Delta Ladies
Revelation 21
A new piano tune for April
Once I wrote a song or two.
New Diana Stone Album Monotony calling available now
It won’t be the meek or the poor that inherit the earth if the worst-case scenario happens
Happy Ides of March one and all
Unplugged Delta Ladies at The White Horse Folk Club Hertford.
Reasons to be not so cheerful
Fake news well there's a lot of it about
Send money directly to people living in extreme poverty
Control the flow of information. Thats all you need.
Its getting late time to hit the road.
Meanwhile back in the good old U of K
Totalitarianism in the age of Trump: lessons from Hannah Arendt
Bus Pass
Did they or didn't they?
Clara Bow
Goodbye 2016
Merry Christmas or insert alternative mid winter festival here.
Christmas day 2016
Not sure if your living in a dystopia?
Sniffles and sneezes spread diseases
A useful film guide for reference
Twilight worlds
Article 50 could be reversed, government may argue in Brexit case
anno domini
Modern Britain
Octobers doings
Anatomy of an a average gig
Look mum thats me on the Tele
Live at the Convent
How The Archers sounds to people who do not listen to The Archers
Time will tell
Wondering what's next
The world this weekend
The flash of light as the seagull fly's but also
July 4 2016
Fling and other things.
That referendum
Back from the Delta ladies mini-tour in France
Delta Ladies En France
Hayfever is rubbish
Queen's speech 2016: 21 bills including plan to 'disrupt extremists'– live
Money can't buy happiness? That's just wishful thinking
Mindfulness therapy for mental health problems? 'It's more useful than drugs'
Folk Clubs are quite good fun
Me Me Me
Wounded leaders?
What's it all about then
Rye wax
Be careful what you wish for revised version.
Rain rain go away come again another day
Sunset Hippos
Islington Folk Club floor spot March 2016
At what point does one become aware of the ultimate futility of doing anything
Two tribes go to war and neither the red nor the blue chief is safe
All smiles
Really? BBC film crew being shut down at Westminster.
Iain Duncan Smith has revealed the empty truth of compassionate conservatism
Mhari Black talking to Owen Jones
Spring forward Fall back
More Scary stuff
Busy and ups and downs and around about
Comfort now
Don't you know there's a war on
Steam Punk
Violins and their part in my downfall
Keeping it all tidy
Paranoia or just anxiety?
Is it just me?
Getting back to more regular blog entrys
Moving right along
2016 so far.
Refugee the Movie Delta ladies
NHS Lets hope we keep it.
Happy new 2016
Once upon a time in St Albans
The Delta Ladies at the Skegness Folk Festival 2015
Merry Christmas 2015
The Guardian view on Labour’s byelection win: not such a bad week after all
Live Music
The Delta Ladies at BBC radio kent & Tenterden Folk Festival
Allen Toussaint, R&B singer-songwriter and producer, dies aged 77
REDCAR BLUES - Delta Ladies
Falling down
Recently I was in this place doing stuff
This is as good as it's going to get for Cameron – and he knows it
Test card F as there is nothing to see here
Is there life on Mars? We’re finally starting to wonder again
Trident is useless. That’s why we must debate its renewal
Autumn 2016 begins
Delta ladies at the Millfield Theatre recently
France wants to outlaw discrimination against the poor – is that so ridiculous?
Sometimes its folk music
There are limits to our empathy – and George Osborne knows it
France part 2
14 days in France Part 1
I don't play the banjo but if I did it might look like this
Camila Batmanghelidjh surprised troubled kids with love
Check your privilege...
The welfare state saved me. To need it isn’t a moral failure
Delta Ladies and The Bizzarros at the Millfield Theatre
Non-reversible 'austerity' - future imperfect
Some people are having a bad time
Notes to myself from the last few Months
Pete the Temp
An obituary from the year 2025 for a Labour party that abandoned its roots
A point of view
The Tories’ £12bn of welfare cuts could come back to haunt them
Well thats it. A very disappointing day
Meet the invisibles – the wealthy and powerful at the heart of the Tory party
The Guardian view: Britain needs a new direction, Britain needs Labour
Supposedly ‘undecided’ BBCQT audience member set up company with Tory MP | Pride's Purge
Election 2015: Labour and Green candidates left off postal ballots - BBC News
Children who are bullied feel traumatised and isolated. I know – it almost killed me
Le Mont-Saint-Michel
Algorithms are like invisible judges that decide our fates
Sunny Afternoon
Tom and Barbara are my good life guide, not Cameron’s Marie Antoinette version
Briefly the Suns back in London
A Tale of two Kensingtons
Don’t blame rising inequality on technological change
Somethings up
Christianity, when properly understood, is a religion of losers
Christianity for hard working people, the Gospel according to Dave
Dunning–Kruger effect
Democracy v Psychology: why people keep electing idiots
I was Paloma Faith’s support act – but politics can’t reach the parts music can
Cameron’s workers v shirkers scam has at last exposed the Tory law of benefit cuts
A few thoughts on Charity from a well known book
Benefit sanctions: the 10 trivial breaches and administrative errors
Time to reboot the franchise I think
Cameron has edge over Miliband in TV battle, Guardian/ICM poll shows - live
Funny sort of day
Budget 2015: Britain's fragile recovery is based on an act of political conjuring
At this point you start to realise how powerless you are
UK must spend more on the vulnerable
The biggest privatisation in NHS history: why we had to blow the whistle
Gong founder Daevid Allen has died, aged 77
Eddie Izzard locks horns with landlords over Chelsea social housing estate
Web Forums. Why do so many people act out on them?
Don’t blame the intelligence agencies for jihadism
Hello March 2015
What to do with Chard
Can you give a child too much praise?
The Guardian view on zero-hours: the number that keeps getting bigger
The Guardian view on journalism and advertising: selling the news short
Suicide prevention expert pulls out of prisons talk over 'censorship'
Google and tech’s elite are living in a parallel universe
Moral wrongs, legal rights and disproportionality.
2015 gosh its the future
Taking the first step phase one of plan B
Austerity will only create more hungry children
Stop privatising the NHS
who am I
The same as
David Clapson’s awful death was the result of grotesque government policies
Scotland get out now while there is still hope as you have no chance with this lot
Slightly simplistic, but with a core of truth in it?
Low-paid Britain: 'People have had enough. It's soul destroying'
Get over yourself
August 2014
Gaza is not as I expected. Amid the terror, there is hope
Sort of speaks for its self really
Self-employment or not
Maybe tomorrow
Food bank Britain
Where are the Dennis Skinner's when you need them
Tens of thousands march in London against coalition's austerity measures
People's Assembly demo in London - tens of thousands matching for a just and equal society
Noisy music
Winners and Losers, dice and logic and don't forget ....
Diana stone is also on soundcloud
Owen Jones talks a lot of sense here
Is this a good place to start from
Can you escape your past. No apparently
Personal independence payments are a punishment of the poor and ill
Public service announcement
Something cheerful for your all
Moving right along hello March
January 2014
Happy new year
End of year round up not really but almost
Osborne wants to take us back to 1948. Time to look forward instead
MPs' 11% pay rise set to embarrass party leaders
Are women more leftwing than men? - video debate
Labour MP Slams The ‘Harsh’ Use Of Benefit Sanctions As ‘Brutalising’ The Poor
Where in the world are people most depressed?
Rings true to me
Thought for the Day
The Things you have to put up when you have websites
Your Government urges you to throw another log on the fire
It might be a little like stating the obvious but
Why after all this time is Dyslexia still ignored?
Something's missing
What happens after you wake up wake up
Everyday I am surprised by how little I really know about people.
How much of life is chance?
The good stuff is still there to be found it just requires more effort now
The Conservatives are much more unpopular than they realise
Looking back and stuff
Steve Bell on Tony Blair's warning to Labour – cartoon
Postcard from Battersea
Video Interviews from Roots and Blues video Magazine
Back at the 100 club with Elephant Shelf
Tony Benn A brief history lesson
Latest releases on CD baby
Merry Chistmas 2012
Diana Stone Latest Release on CD Baby Piano Works
Delta Ladies jamming with Gwyn Ashton
The reality of austerity Disability Roulette
A world I no longer recognise
Best placard ever
Benefits and Work community October 2nd news letter
No fanfares or plagues of frogs so far, which is a good thing.
Nerd days and September Stuff
Watching clouds out of the window
A blast from the past
Whats wrong with this picture
A bit of peace and quiet?
Is the damp affecting my brain? I think its getting rusty.
How it is in the UK right now
Still not right
May 2012
April 2012 So far
So there!
February and March 2012 dianas doings init
One of the Uk's fastest rising ethical fashion designers Ada Zanditon's new collection Aw12/13 Simia Mineralis shown at London Fashion Week Somerset House this week February 2012. Music is by North London's Elephant Shelf - a new tune in retro clothes 'Ooh Bop Sh'Boogie'
The phrase feeling the cold in my bones has finally found meaning for me
All I do is Cry
Thats allright Mama Elephant Shelf version
Once more into the breach.
Small worlds and village pubs
Elephant Shelf at Blues at The Farm January 2012 doing a couple of very well known tunes.
Simon Dales way cool Hobbit House
Carry on and keep calm
Roses are Red Violets are Blue Garlic is good for you..
New Pre-mix track Shakedown from the forthcoming Elephant Shelf Album
Post Baa Humbug News
Christmas Eve 2012
A bit panicky today
Tietze Syndrome ?
December 2011 continued
Cafe Rouge Highgate
headaches and other stuff
For sale M audio premium stage piano
Back to the old routine
November 2011
Sometimes it makes no sense at all
Mermaids and Cambridge folk club
Diana Stone on Soundcloud
September continued...
Faith as a Mustard seed Piano Solo
Not the best way to start the month
Dream 2
Its nearly September
The Delta Ladies in 2008 Just another someone
Back catalogue
Delta ladies at La Vita Southgate recently
Elephant Shelf Videos from the Old Bell at Enfield
Got to love this
June 2011
What we keep and what we throw away
Elephant Shelf trying out a new number at the Star in Ewell
Mayday May day?
The Delta Ladies with Linda Gale Lewis at the Jook House
Its getting warm in here
April 2011
A blast from the past when Elephant Shelf was glam!
How do you know when you are trying to hard?
Diana on vocals with Elephant Shelf at the 100 Club
Interesting records on this web site showandtellmusic.com
Still very tense
2011 and other stuff
A warning to us all don't you know....
Diana & Vicky at The Castle, Childs Hill, London 14.10.10
Diana & Vicky jaming with Barry Goldberg, London 30.12.09
A Christmas Message
A Christmas sing-a-long
eden ahbez A thought for this time of year
Diana stone, Viktoria Modesta, Vicky Martin & Ada Zanditon 25.11.10
Delta Ladies entertain, London 25.11.10
Delta Ladies at St Harmonicas 10.12.10
Elephant Shelf back at the Music Palace supporting Chris Farlowe
Our secret weapon George
Just got home through the snow from Reim
The fear factor
It's just another day
The Moon Rises in Battersea
Elephant Shelf 22.04.10
Elephant Shelf 22.04.10
A quiet week
Elephant Shelf, The Salisbury 30.10.10
Winter draws on
My Diary from 1985
Stigma and discrimination
Elephant Shelf is at the Tunnels Bristol Thursday 16th
If anyone is a bit bored tonight the Delta Ladies are doing a 45 min set at 93 feet East in Spittlefields tonight Monday the 13th Sept at about 09:00 might be fun
Try being over 50 and having mental health issues. Then try and get a job with a mental health charity
Looks a lot like the end of the road from here
September 2010
Another Piano Picture
Very close to the edge now
It never gets any easier
Playing Rogers Piano
A very old Picture from The Hornsey Tavern
Thought for the day
Thank you god for the beautiful sky
Delta Ladies play Riders in the Sky and Hey Joe
French Slide show 1
Back home again
OK so far
Underneath the lamplight
Deltas in action on Friday night
Installed in Mazamet
Delta ladies poster for the L'Pot Ethique
Enjoying the sun in the south of france getting ready for some gigs
A little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come apon you like a robber.
My first ever live vocal performance on ST FM in Burnham Essex with Elephant shelf
Circus Sky
Some people
Elephant Shelf with Tim Aves.
April news round-up
With Jeanie Barton and her band
The Cleavage of Death circa 2006
Its a blast from the past. Elephant Shelf back in 2008 Unicorn Camden Playing Just another Someone
Depression and Aggression
Delta Ladies sketched at the Cats Back recently
A day trip to the Travellers Rest Draycott
Something very silly
Diana and Betty Boop too
What ever
Tales of mystery and imagination.
Olivers Music bar
Delta ladies are out tonight and tommorow too
Blessed are the Cheese Makers
Marching onward
Diana Stone Glass Cage buy it here
February roundup
Would you buy a used car from this man?
Delta Ladies 3
Olivers Jazz bar pre gig a while back in the day
Delta Ladies Diana and Vicky at Round Midnight
Ok well bright idea's then:
Elephant Shelf Skegness Rock and Blues the aftermath
Geninus and failing better?
Skeggy Rock & Blues Weekender
A busy weekend
Not sure if this true at all
The Blues Bonanza at Lakeside Hayling Island Hants Friday 22 Jan – 25 Jan 2010
More Musings
Pink Hippo Time
Dream Angels again
Twas Christmas
Beware the gatekeepers
More job search news
The Decade so far
A moment
The real school of rock?
Don't strike up the band
Some times the end is just the end
The Half Moon public house in Putney, SW London, may be forced to stop hosting live music
Elephant Shelf at the kings head Video
My old school has Elliott has a website
Mind over matter or mind without matter?
Autumn Pictures
Gestalt prayer
Why do people plan to fail so often?
Why showbiz is fun
May you live in interesting times
PA Hire at Live Music London
The vanity of knowledge
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life
I just really like this picture
Finally begining to crack
a fly in the ointment of existence
Perfection or sterilty
A fun night at the Cats Back
Rupert Herries and Elephant Shelf at the Fisher Theatre Bungay OCT 3rd
The Story so far
Portabello Gold
Fisher Theatre Bungay
Rain and rain and more rain
I have applied for 8 jobs in 2 days
A quitter never wins, you don't say
Cyclothmia is nothing to do with the Tour De France
Stuff what dreams is made of init
Ford Popular
What do you do after you've run away to join the circus and you end up sweeping up after the Elephants
Pictures old and new
The farmers Boy & OOP & Star Trek
Diana Stone Bio
Ever get really tired
Happy shiney people
Pictures no1
Delta Ladies @the Hot August Fringe
May be its because I am a Londoner
Should I press the CD before the money runs out completely
To bother or not to bother, that is the question
As it is
Great new songs in a classic style
Spectrum Picnic 18th July 2009
Elephant Shelf album 'In Trouble again'
Right Now Right here
More musings
What happens when you run out of road?
Birthday blues
Leaving the Comfort Zone >>
wit and wisdom!
What I am doing today
Diana Stone Musician & composer Violin Piano Guitar Vocals
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