Try being over 50 and having mental health issues. Then try and get a job with a mental health charity

Try being over 50 and having mental health issues. Then try and get a job with a mental health charity as you have exactly the skill set required then wait for them to not even bother to contact you although they say they run a guaranteed interview scheme...

Legislation does no good even those supposedly in the business of helping people with mental health issues discriminate against the very people they are supposed to be helping.

I suspect a lot of these Charity’s are run by 30 somethings who have never had any issues in their life. I think I may have to expose some of these people.

Any one from Mind Sane or any of the other lot care to contradict me…

September 2010

Well things are in a state of flux right now and everything is very uncertain here at Battersea Towers.
Its now nearly 3 years since I left the office in to be honest not the very best state of health.  Unfortunatly things go in circles and I am back on the anti-depressants for what feels like the millonth time.  Luckily I can function enough when I am playing with the band but I have been feeling very low otherwise and its really an effort doing anything.  I am also waiting for some information with regard to my personal circumstances so that I can plan what to do next. The delay is putting my stress levels through the roof though and I am getting very anxious. 

All the stuff I have been doing with Elephant Shelf & the Delta Ladies have been very well recevied and we actually played at a legit folk night at the Cambridge Folk Club which went rather better than I had expected too, so creatively things are going fairly well. 

Fingers crossed that something will turn up soon that will get me out of the mess personal  I am in.

It never gets any easier

I asked for some advice in another place. Not the House of Lords, but another place out here in cyberspace. Silly me, I should have known that it was a bad idea. I have a few problems that I am trying to deal with and I am doing everything I can to find answers to them, so why do people get off on being so unhelpful? Its bad enough having to contend with mental health issues, debt and just finding away to keep existing  without getting grief off some seriously sad individual that gets a buz off internet trolling.  I can’t sleep properly and even my dreams are getting disturbed now because of the problems I am having. I won’t go into too much detail here but even the simplest things to seem to be getting difficult now.