Its nearly September

Its nearly September and the year has flown by. My Ancient chariot needs to get an MOT (15 years old but only done just over 100k) and I think so do I as I have had a lot of aches and pains post gig recently. A trip to the docs is indicated me thinks. So far so good as we had a really good gig at the Cambridge Rock festival recently that should have upped our cred a bit. We also have a local london festival appearence tommorow at Abbey Fest at the Colour House Theatre on Bank Holiday Monday. We were up in Nottingham at the Trent Navigation as our duo which went well to a mixed crowd of the local blues club folks and rugby supporters so we will be back there in the not too distant future we hope. We also had recent gigs in Lincoln and a few other places. We have one more festival gig in September which is the Plumpton Beer and Blues Festival near Lewes in Sussex which could be good for us apart from the normal ongoing stuff. We are still waiting on the the rough mixes of the new Elephant Shelf Album to come through,as we we will be down in the studio again to do a bit of over dubbing as soon. We have also started recording a Delta Ladies Album and have a couple of rough tracks down for that which sound promising. I have also still got a rather iritating cough which has now eased of enough for me to get my full voice back on gigs but which nearly left me mute for the Cambridge Rock festival but I got me mojo working sufficiently for that thank goodness.


Back catalogue

I have just started going through my back catalogue of songs and listening through the recordings from 1998 with a view to possibly putting the good stuff on the web(if there is any of course ). Its all a bit prog rocky on the whole! At the time I was also a fair amount of anti-depressants too which judging by what I have listened too so far gives a distinct stoner feel too. There may be a few little gems in there though, with a bit of re-mastering and fiddling about.

Filmed an interview with Dennis Greaves of 9 below zero which should be on the web soon.
Checkout and the youtube channel for some interesting stuff we think.

Yesterday I got a Piano Accordion, which is an instrument that’s new to me, primarily for using on the rootsy stuff I play in the Delta Ladies, and I think its going to work well for me, though it is a bit physical as you have to get used to a lot of rhythmic pumping, but that may well turn out to be a useful skill at some time.  I am quite pleased as I can just about squeeze out an almost recognisable but slightly wheezy version of the Dixon of Dock Green theme, so be afraid, be very afraid.

Only one gig this weekend at “The Farmers Boy” in St Albans which really will be totally unplugged. It wil be very informal and should be fun. Then back in the Studio on Monday for Day 3 and 4 of the Elephant Shelf Album session. In between a bit of work on various websites, so enough to keep me occupied. A gig in Reading on Thursday night at the “Retreat”, then Saturday at “The Mermaid” in St Albans then on Sunday a Private do in Holton Le Moor in Lincolnshire!