Interesting records on this web site

Interesting records on this web site

Check some of these links.

Its a whole new world.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. and here they are…

and how about this >>>


Alfred Wolfsohn

Vox Humana
Folkways, 1956
Experiments on the far limits of the human voice. Here’s an MP3 of the opening piece “Lend Me Your Ears” to give you a taste. A top tier Folkways LP for me and a truly amazing 50’s avant garde artifact.

Philosophy of the World
Third World, 1969

Believe me you couldn’t make it up… Speaks for it self…

And its not what you think if your english BTW

philosophy of the world  by the Shaggs when it was a dance!
philosophy of the world by the Shaggs when it was a dance!
morse tesla
morse tesla

Still very tense

Its been a very tiring week and I am running on empty to a certain extent. I have  a couple of gigs this weekend which I need to do but it will be a strain. Just have to grin and bare it I suppose. Usually this time of year around my birthday is the worst for me and I really could do with some rest now and not being over stimulated.

2011 and other stuff

Its not been the best start to New Year, but hopefully things will get back in to equilibrium soon.   So Happy New Year all. Well at least the snows gone!