The Story so far

Well fans (ironic) it could be going a little better right now I have to admit, but you can’t blame me for trying. I was on the radio in St Albans with the 3 5ths of Elephant Shelf and we managed to get 3 tracks played from the album which can’t be bad, and that was fun. We also got 3 plugs for our gig on Saturday at the Mermaid too. There is a guy that wants to represent the Shelf in Holland which might be useful and lots of radio stations playing the album out Sur la Manch so that’s got to be good.
Personal circumstances are looking very risky now though. I have applied for about 30 jobs and not a sniff so far so one is getting in to a bit of a panic and its grinding me down just a tad.   I have seriously considered bankruptcy but that could be a bit difficult under the circumstances, but it might come to that. Its not quite where I though I would be when I left the Civil Service  about 2 years ago.
My brilliant career has not quite materialized. Something has to happen soon.

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