Spectrum Picnic 18th July 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Went along to the Spectrum Picnic and blagged a couple of free drinks today in the delightful company of Lucy Colman, Dawn, Helena Love, (which is a great name BTW, sort of like a porn star from the 70’s ) Jenny Treacle & Ash & co from Dance Macabre and a cast of thousands. A very good turnout and it didn’t rain either, though I could feel the wet grass and it gave me a slightly soggy arse … Noticed many pictures being taken but couldn’t be bothered to take any myself I as I was too busy talking. Looked like every one was having a really good day out too.

It took me a while to find out where everyone was as I wandered off in the wrong direction and did a couple of circuits around the Diana Memorial which is a little strange as it puts me in mind of a run off from a storm drain but then what do I know about art? By the way that was retorical so please don’t start a debate on it’s artistic merit or otherwise as I am a philistine where the visual arts are concerned though I have never owned a print of the ‘Green Lady’. Younger folks will have to look that up on Wikipedia.

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